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When the Elation of Masturbation Kills Your Concentration

Having trouble concentrating? Do you find yourself listless? Lethargic? You may be a victim of too much masturbation. Learn one guy's story, and find out what all of that jerking is doing to your brain.

Case #: 673


I've been feeling really foggy lately. I'm having a hard time concentrating and I just don't have a lot of energy for sex or just about anything else. I'm 43. Male. Is this normal? Could it be my years of masturbating and having endless amounts of sex?


Having trouble concentrating? Struggling with the realization that your once sharp mind is now dwindling in...wait, is that a butterfly? I love butterflies. Wait, what we were talking about? Oh yeah, concentration.

There used to be a game show called Concentration. I tried out for a game show once, but Pat Sajak never called me back. But I digress. We were talking about, that's not right at all. Damn it!

Apparently I can't concentrate either, so maybe I should lay off the masturbation for a while. As it turns out, over-masturbation not only makes it more difficult to concentrate, but it can drain you of almost all your physical and mental energy.

The sad fact is, we're not Greek Gods, and we don't have an endless supply of vitality and virility. In other words, if you exhaust too much energy with a bottle of lotion and a magazine, your other functions are going to suffer as a result.

Concentrate on This

I realize that concentration doesn't come easy, so I'll try to explain the science in short, easily digestible sentences. Here goes. Ejaculation causes you to deplete key hormone levels. You also expend important neurotransmitters (brain chemicals).

Specifically, you lose dopamine, GABA, DHEA and acetylochine. These chemicals keep your brain functioning properly. Without them, brain not work so good. Concentration goes away. Energy goes away. Sex drive goes away. Forget productivity. Just watch SpongeBob instead.

I Hate SpongeBob – How Do I Fix This?

The first step is definitely the most painful, but you're going to want to cut back on the sex and masturbation. If you're masturbating multiple times per day, lost focus is the least of your worries. Over-masturbation can lead to soft erections, weak orgasms, prostate inflammation and a host of other unpleasant afflictions. I'm not saying that you should join a convent and take a vow of chastity. Just take it easy. Any toy will break if you play with it too much.

Additionally, certain herbs can improve your energy and cognitive abilities while also restoring your healthy sex drive (just don't get carried away with the sex part, or we may be having this conversation again very soon). For instance, Acetyl-L-Carnitine restores energy, mood and sexual appetite, while Phosphatidylserine and Siberian Ginseng restore cognitive ability. Try an herbal remedy (SEE: Golden Brain Food) with these ingredients, and reclaim control of your brain and sexeual functions. Anything is better than just sitting around and staring at the butterflies.

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Blog ID: 60021

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