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Battle of the Sexes - Or a Battle to Enjoy Sex

What happens when a husband and wife both struggle with sexual dysfunction? It's more common than you may think, and it can destroy an otherwise healthy marriage. Learn what can be done.

Case #: 696


Please help us with the problems my wife and I are having.

Myself: I am a 41-year-old male and experience eye floaters from over-masturbation when I was young. My penis size has shrunk by 1 inch (was bigger 10 years ago). I also have a difficulty preventing ejaculation (feeling of urgency from large prostate), and my penis is over-sensitive. I want to rejuvenate and enlarge my penis and last longer when having sex.

Wife: My wife is 48 years old. She has trouble and cannot orgasm without a strong vibrator. I have seen a reduction in her sexual desire, and reduced sexual feeling inside her vagina. She wants to feel more sensation, have easier orgasms, and be able to orgasm without a vibrator.

Thank you for your advice.


Sounds like you and your wife are both struggling to keep the passion alive, and that's definitely not good for the marriage. So let's nip this thing in the bud before your bedroom activities are fully reduced to reading books and watching I Love Lucy reruns in separate beds (come to think of it, maybe Lucy and Ricky had the same sexual difficulties).

At the moment, you and your wife are like two faulty electrical wires. You're trying to connect with one another and create some real electricity, but sadly neither one of you has much of a charge available. Although your symptoms are as different as night and day, they all point to the same lowest common denominator: hormonal deficiency and neurotransmitter deficiency.

Your hormones and neurotransmitters are responsible for fueling your libido and ensuring healthy sexual function, but if they aren't properly balanced, you're going to experience everything from premature ejaculation, numbness and even penis shrinkage. And if your wife is suffering from the same type of imbalance, her libido will take a nosedive as her orgasms start to feel like brief momentary tingles (if she's lucky). So now what? Let's tackle these issues one at a time.

First, Your Problem

You're absolutely right that years of over-masturbation can cause these symptoms. Chronic masturbation inhibits healthy blood circulation and contributes to low androgen hormone production. Additionally, the constant over-production of semen causes the prostate to become enlarged, which leads to early ejaculation and other ejaculatory problems. I would recommend that you boost your prostaglandin E-1/E-3 and Nitric Oxide production using natural herbs like Chinese White Ginseng, Fo Ti, Griffonia and Pygeum (SEE: powerful prostate care supplements).

Happy Wife, Happy Life

As for your wife, I would first recommend that she back off the vibrator stimulation. Excessive vibrator use can lead to an overproduction of inflammatory hormones, as well as nerve and tissue damage. These issues may all be contributing to her difficulty in achieving natural orgasm. I would recommend a botanical remedy that contains hormone-balancing herbs like Dioscorea Villosa (Wild Yam) and Withania Somnifera (Ashwagandha), as well as clitoral rejuvenation herbs like Polygonum Multiflorum (Fo Ti) and Trigonella Foenum Graecum (Fenugreek) - See VRP Formulation.

Restore the Passion

Husbands and wives share a lot of things, from bank accounts to family cars, but you shouldn't have to share in the misfortune of sexual dysfunction. Save your passions for one another, work to restore your healthy hormone levels, and keep the magic alive.

[More Details +]

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Blog ID: 59355

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