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Middle Aged Man’s Crisis: Weak Erection with Quick Ejaculation

Stress & prostate problem caused many middle aged men to have soft erection and early ejaculation

Case #: 26094


I am 43 years old and in good health. I don’t smoke or use drugs. Due to recent financial setbacks and job insecurity, I’ve been a bit depressed lately. I’m constantly hit with endless bills and it’s got me stressed out. I just feel out of sorts. Even when I masturbate, my erection is soft and I ejaculate in less than 1 min while watching porn.

Any suggestions for a guy who lives hand to foot and feels he is too past his prime to endure all this bullshit?


We are sorry to hear of your distress. It seems that you are experiencing the typical symptoms of male menopause, caused by stress and low testosterone. You are by no means alone. During the current financial crisis, a great deal of middle-aged men are stressed and worried about their job security, especially when competing with younger peers or with the awareness that there’s another 20 years or so to go before retirement even becomes possible.

Stress and a low production of testosterone are the key causes of your weak erection. When you are experiencing a weaker erection during sexual activity, your brain will force you to contract your prostate to assist your erection.

Young adults with healthy prostates do not experience this problem unless they are sexually exhausted. But for many middle-aged men and seniors, their prostates are often enlarged and the prostate nerve becomes hyperactive and triggers ejaculation sooner than they’ve experienced previously.

You can restore your erection and the timing of your ejaculation back to normal by ensuring a healthy prostate, reducing your stress, and eating foods that can help you boost testosterone. I know “reducing your stress” is easier said than done, but it’s an important factor here, and somewhat easy to achieve. Learn to clear your mind. Worrying doesn’t solve anything. Tell yourself that. Take brisk walks and breathe deeply. Close your eyes and listen to your favorite music on headphones. Try herbal supplements such as those found in the Advanced Botanical Rejuvenation & Detox Solution For Prostate formula. Follow these simple tips, and you’ll gradually notice improvement of your mental and physical being.

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Views: 79


Blog ID: 59322

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