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Premature Ejaculation – The Other Consequence of Heroin Use

Heroin use is a devastating killer, but even if you kick the habit, you may notice some unpleasant side effects, including premature ejaculation. Learn how to beat the addiction without killing your sexual function.

Case #: 555


My problem is premature ejaculation. My age is 32, and I am a male. I have a history of heroin and methadone abuse, which I see as a root of my problem. Before I started using heroin, which lasted for about seven years with many periods of sobriety, I had a great sex life.

At an early age, I became familiar with non-ejaculatory sex and the dangers of masturbating. In fact, I masturbated very rarely in my life. I am quite fit, however, my nervous system is not so good. I would assess that my parasympathetic nervous system is to blame for my current issues.

When I was using heroin, I could hours of intercourse without ejaculating. Now that I am clean, I am on the opposite side and cannot endure more then a few minutes. My friends from my support group (NA) who have abstained for a longer period of time say that this is a common problem and that it heals itself automatically after about one year of abstention. However, I would like to take some steps in order to heal myself faster.


Heroin destroys lives; it creates a cycle of dependency that easily rivals any other drug; and it often leads to death. Janis Joplin, John Belushi and River Phoenix...just some of the legendary figures whose lives were tragically cut short because of heroin abuse, so I'm glad to hear that you have worked so hard to kick the habit. Nevertheless, the after effects of opiate use can be long lasting, and the methadone that you use to detoxify your body can have some serious side effects of its own.

Case in point: sexual dysfunction. All narcotics can hinder your reproductive system, but sometimes the worst side effects manifest themselves during the recovery phase. I'll explain why.

Why is This Happening?

Researchers have found that premature ejaculation stems from opiate withdrawal syndrome. From a neuro-physiological standpoint, the cause is very similar to the effects of premature ejaculation caused by severe anxiety and stress. To simplify it a bit more, the withdrawals are causing a stress response in your body, and that's causing your penis to act like an over-excited adolescent (and who wants to return to that nightmare?). As if the withdrawals weren't bad enough on their own, right?

Sexual dysfunction is frustrating, embarrassing, and hindering the enjoyment of sex. Obviously we want to get this issue under control, but the million-dollar question is how do we restore your good old sexual vitality without compromising your recovery?

Opiate addiction is difficult to kick, and even a slight lapse in a person's recovery routine can often trigger a relapse or lead to severely painful withdrawal symptoms. So we need to treat this matter with the extreme caution that it deserves.

Calming the Excited Penis

Since we're dealing with a stress response here, I would encourage you to pursue an herbal remedy that reduces anxiety and calms those hypersensitive ejaculatory nerves. Try an herbal treatment containing Chrysanthemum, Rhodiola Rosea and Jujube Ziziphi. Since these solutions are derived from herbs, you can take them safely without exposing yourself to the risks of additional pharmaceuticals.

Your recovery should be job number one, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be able to enjoy a rewarding sex life. On the contrary, it's all the more reason. So take good care of yourself, and get your sex life back on track.

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观看次数: 95


笔记编号: 59213

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