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As If Diabetics Don't Have Enough Problems - Masturbation Can Make It Worse

He gave up compulsive masturbation, but still has considerable trouble with erections. Could his diabetes have anything to do with it? Read on, get the facts and find out.

Case #: 553


I am unable to get an erection naturally. My erections come from hand stimulation and/or visualization and sometimes the erections are hard and sometimes they are not. I used to masturbate a lot and was recently diagnosed with diabetes. Can you please help me?


Diabetes: Is There Anything It Can't Wreck?

“But I don't want to give up my sugar addiction!”

“You could go blind...”

“I can listen to the radio and have people drive me around.”

“It could cost you your feet...”

“I don't like to walk anyway.”

“... A-a-a-and you might become completely impotent.”


Well, you need some carbohydrates to survive, just not the amounts most Americans consume daily. But diabetes is definitely something you need to take seriously.

The Nature Of The Problem

All types of diabetes put the patient at risk for a large array of health problems. Most of these stem from the fact that diabetes can damage your blood vessels and your nerve endings.

Excessive glucose levels can harden arterial walls in various ways, making it more difficult for the cells to receive nutrients and eliminate waste. In addition, this can lead to clots or complete blockages in the smaller vessels, such as the ones supplying your eyes... and your erection.

Even if you don't get any clots, uncontrolled diabetes can lead to higher blood pressure, which can squeeze the delicate ends of your nerves out of their ability to perform properly. And since almost every bodily function is controlled by your nerves, you put your lifestyle... and your life... at risk. Day to day activities like digestion, and even moment-to-moment things like moving your toes and fingers, can be affected. And, of course, you are gambling with your body's ability to participate in special events, like erections when you are ready to be intimate with your partner.

What Can I Do About It?

The things to bear in mind is that you are not alone, and that you do have help.

  • Talk to your medical professional, who can provide detailed advice about smart changes to your lifestyle. These will probably include things like: stop smoking, reduce your alcohol intake, and get enough rest.
  • Worried about what you'll be able to eat? There are shelves full of books and magazine articles galore that will not only help you figure out what you should eat (and what you should avoid), but how to cook it yourself.
  • Excessive stress can make all health problems worse, and diabetes is no exception. Take careful stock of what parts of your life cause you stress and see what you can do to reduce or eliminate them.
  • If you're overweight or otherwise don't exercise much, it's definitely time to start. Start with something simple, like Tai Chi, and focus on doing it regularly, rather than to exhaustion. Remember: if it hurts, you may or may not be doing it wrong, but you're definitely less likely to keep doing it, no matter how good it may be for you.

While you explore these things, you should try some natural remedies for erectile dysfunction specifically formulated for diabetes patients.

[More Details +]

Views: 80


Blog ID: 59200

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