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Infertilidad masculina
Dolor y lesión testicular
Dolor y lesiones del pene
Bajo deseo sexual
Masturbación excesiva
Erección débil
Agrandamiento de la próstata
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From Bell Ringing to Dead Silence

Here we find a woman who is concerned about her husband’s lack of sexual vigor. He’s also experiencing some pain and they haven’t been able to pinpoint a cause. If you or someone you know is going through similar issues you’ll want to tune in here...

Case #: 915


My husband complained to me of pain in his penis after sex with me. He has never experienced this with anyone else he says. And he never told me of this in the entire 18 months of our marriage, until I complained about his lack of interest in having sex more often than every two days. He does have a bad memory. And experiences lower back pains. He does masturbate often. He only takes vitamins and protein shakes. Not every day but at least once a week. No drugs and a beer a night on average. I wonder if there is anything that can be done.


There is a tremendous amount of pressure on men in modern society to be some sort of perfect supermen and have hardly any flaws. We’re literally in competition with Superman the superhero, as well as many other lofty types that swoop in and save the damsel in distress from the clutches of evil, or just mediocrity. Here in the United States there is also a bizarre fascination that many women have with the Disney mythos; Prince Charming, the Knight in Shining Armor, and all of the other unrealistic icons that we’re supposed to measure up to. Of course we’re supposed to be perfect lovers as well.

What’s wrong with This Hammer?

When was the last time you saw a movie where the main male lead fizzled in the bedroom with a woman? Never. That’s right, and so for men who are experiencing difficulties in the sex department things can be quite distressing. Since we’re also not supposed to complain, we internalize issues that we’re going through and much of the time hold everything in. That is what your husband has been doing.

Imagine if you would for a moment that he’s at a carnival with you and wants to win you a gift by swinging a sledgehammer which rings a bell at the top of a column. If the beginning he possessed the strength to smash that hammer down with such force that it would ring the bell every time. Now let’s say that he started trying to ring the bell too frequently and wore his body down as a result; his strength started to ebb and he couldn’t swing the hammer down with as much force. The result would be that the weight would only go up partially and then would fall back down.

Similarly, through your husband’s excessive masturbation, he has depleted his body’s supply of neurochemicals and sex hormones (testosterone, GABA, HGH, serotonin) and his exhausted system can’t replenish them fast enough before he masturbates (swings the hammer) again. This has also triggered the release of too much prostaglandin E-2 which has inflamed his body and is wracking it with pain.

So what is he to do?

A Natural Path Back to Full Strength

Strongly suggest that he lay off masturbating for a while, at least until his symptoms go away. Unfortunately this also means no sex so you’ll have to abstain from getting him all hot n’ horny for the time being.

A wise next step for him would be to take a powerful healing formula. (SEE: Sexual Exhaustion Herbal Remedy) These ancient botanicals can help promote healthy nervous system functions, as well as reduce his inflammatory levels of prostaglandin E-2. They can also not only naturally boost his immune system, but can re-regulate his pituitary glands, preventing them from releasing too much cortisol which is affecting his memory and sex drive. Through these herbal remedies he can return to being lucid as well as the raging horn-dog that you remember so fondly.

Let’s get him back to full strength so that he can ring your bell every time once more!

[More Details +]

Views: 92


Blog ID: 59148

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