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Fighting for it – Excessive Masturbation and its Associated Issues

This case study involves a young man who has been masturbating obsessively without giving himself the proper rest he needs in order to recover. This has led to a downward spiral with a whole host of symptoms. Will he be able to reverse this?

Case #: 1143


Hello, I'm writing because I have over masturbated since I was 12 and I'm now 23 I have always felt that it was doing negative things to my body but I couldn't seem to stop but having read your information I'm committed to stopping. I suffer from headaches, dizziness, exhaustion, weak erections, depression, hair loss, eye floaters, ear ringing, loss of mental focus and memory. I have suffered from this for too long and it has cost me a lot. I want to know if my condition is permanent and what I should do to become normal again and reverse the damage. So I can live a healthy life?


Mixed Martial Arts or MMA is the fastest growing sport nowadays. And with good reason; to see two highly trained athletes with their various skillsets who have trained hard for that moment go into a cage which is then locked. To witness the stare down and mean-mugging as the referee recites the obligatory rules. And finally, the bell sounds to signal the start of round one, with the fighters closing in and clashing with each other in short order right in the middle of the cage, setting things in motion for (hopefully) a thrilling game of human chess. And the strategies that the fighters adapt mid-fight in order to reverse a particularly disadvantageous position, or get out of a joint lock or submission hold is fascinating to see.

Brutal Fight

But what if in some bizarre-word version of a MMA match, you were one of the fighters and were forced to fight with your hand tied behind your back? And let’s say you were also hung over from the night before and hadn’t eaten in a few days? Sounds like the cards would be stacked against you, right?

And that’s essentially what you’ve done to your body through your chronic masturbation; ran it into the ground and severely depleted its resources. Over masturbation can cause a dangerous spike in your brain’s neurotransmitter release, triggering an over-reaction of your sympathetic nervous system, depleting your nitric oxide and prostaglandin E-1 reserves. This results in your ears picking up too much white sound (ear ringing/buzzing). You’ve also burned out your body’s sex hormones such as acetylcholine, GABA, HGH, dopamine, and serotonin, which causes soft erections.

In addition to that, you’ve caused your DHT to rise to levels that has it literally attacking your hair follicles, resulting in your thinning hair. Chronic masturbation also depleted your body’s reserves, and since you haven’t given yourself proper rest in-between sessions, you’re unable to “get it up” and you feel that you have to try harder to get hard. Now, you’re caught in a vicious cycle and are spirally out of control. But you can turn this around before these symptoms become irreversible.

Reversing Your Situation

First off, give your body (and penis) a proper rest awhile. How long? At your advanced stage you need to refrain from sexual activity until your symptoms clear up. And when you do come back to playing with a rejuvenated Mr. Happy, only engage in masturbation up to 4 times a week, tops.

In order to really accelerate your healing process, consider taking a natural herbal formula. These ancient formulas can help to rebalance your out-of-whack hormonal levels, alleviating your fatigue, headaches, and overall stress levels. (TRY: Advanced Herbal Formula for Exhaustion & Dysfunction) Other benefits include lowering your DHT levels back to normal and providing proper nutrients for hair follicle recovery and hair growth, as well as boosting your Coenzyme Q10 production, resulting in a reduction of eye floaters and recovery from blurred vision. Your depression and anxiety will also gradually fade away. So let’s untie your hands, get you out of that dangerous submission hold, and give you more than a fighting chance to win this battle.

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观看次数: 96


笔记编号: 58970

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