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Shine Head – Over Masturbation and Hair Loss

Here we find a gentleman that has been having a little too much self-sexy time with himself over a long period of time and is now thinning out a bit up top. How can he hope to stop this problem?

Case #: 772


I am 24 years old male I used to have too much masturbation for about 7 years. Recently I found that my memory reduced and I have bad focusing, blurring of vision, and hair loss. Could you please tell me what to do thanks a lot!


Think back to the Hollywood days of yore. The Golden Age of film and movie making in general was a period in which Hollywood identified itself and established its style as the most prominent in the world. And get a good look at some of the male stars of the era that were real manly men: Clark Gable, John Wayne, Gary Cooper, and James Stewart. Now take a minute to realize what these men all had in common, along with all other leading male actors (except Yul Brynner)…

They all had thick hair, parted and slicked to the side.

Changing Times

Since that age and starting with the mid ‘60s you could start to notice that leading men no longer had to have perfect hairlines and that those with receding ones were more acceptable. By the 70s actors such as Jack Nicholson and Dennis Hopper showed that men could be highly charismatic and still be losing their hair. Today, there are many leading men that are not only losing their hair but have pretty much lost it, such as Jason Statham or Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. In spite of this (or perhaps because of it) women are driven mad with lust by men such as these.

Amazingly, many men actually still consider hair loss to be more of a disastrous occurrence than penis shrinkage. A perverse and out of touch media and advertising industry is still trying to shove down everyone’s throats that young, skinny, girly looking males with full heads of bushy hair are the epitome of male beauty. This causes some men distress as they incorrectly compare themselves to these false idols of a holographic reality. This even causes many to masturbate with even more frequency than ever before in order to deal with the pressure and stress to conform, unknowingly accelerating their hair loss.

Your abusive masturbatory habits over a long period of time has resulted in your body building up too much DHT. Since you never took the time to rest properly in-between sessions, you blew out and depleted your body’s natural healing abilities and exhausted its supplies of hormones and neurotransmitters. This overabundance of DHT that has now reached critical levels is now attaching to your hair follicles and inhibiting your hair growth. So how do you get over this issue?

Avoiding the Wig

You need to rest your body right away in order to halt the damage that is being done as a result of your excessive masturbation. Taking a few weeks off will do you good, and when you come back to it, only indulge yourself in 3-4 for sessions per week. Let’s not get caught up in this downward spiral again.

Special rejuvenating and nourishing botanical remedies can really accelerate your recovery process. They contain natural herbs which replenish your depleted androgen hormones and restore your neurotransmitters back to their optimal levels. (TRY: Herbal Remedy for Sexual Exhaustion) They can also help to reduce stress as well as the amount of DHT build-up in your body, alleviating your hair loss while promoting enhanced blood flow, resulting in providing nutrients to your hair follicles and fostering hair growth. Other benefits include a natural boost to your energy levels and clarity of mind. So avoid having to wear one of those ridiculous toupees and invest in yourself; you’ll get to see a whole new you!

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观看次数: 91


笔记编号: 58728

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