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Small Penis, Shrinking Testicles, Blurred Vision – Kill Me Now

The dangers are excess masturbation go far beyond the mild scourge of chaffing. They can take a toll on your vision, your sex life, and even your penis size. Hear one guy's painful story, and lean what to do if your penis is revolting against you.

Case #: 637


I have masturbated since around 12 years old, consistently every day, sometimes 2 or more times a day. I've been noticing memory loss, hypertension, achy joints, and blurry vision. I have always had a strong libido. Watching porn is becoming more frequent. I've been married 14 years and our sex life is great, except she would like for me to have a bigger penis (I'm 5"long x 4"wide). I have read through your website and found people with similar problems, but I'm curious what you will recommend for me. I also have done various penis enlargement techniques (jelqing, weight hanging, pills, stretching) I'm starting to notice that my penis is actually shrinking, when I'm not erect my penis and testicles retract into my pelvis, I’ve heard this is caused by low testosterone but after reading your sight I think it my something else, cause recent blood work I had suggests that my "T" is within normal range. I really hope you can help me out!


When you masturbate excessively and subject your body to the abuses of excessive jelqing exercises and weight hanging, testosterone is the least of your worries. Think of it this way. Remember in the heyday of compact discs? When you purchased a CD by your favorite band, you would gently lift it from its case, only hold it by its edges, and possibly even panic if it received the slightest scratch.

Or think about your first new car. You would probably wash it and wax it on a weekly basis, and park in the back of the mall parking lot just to avoid other cars getting too close to it. Well, your penis is more sensitive than a CD, and much more sensitive than a car, and yet we tend not to treat it with the same level of care and caution. This is a huge mistake that countless guys make, but you know what they say: you hurt the people (or appendages) that you love the most.

Why Your Entire Body is Malfunctioning

When you abuse your penis with over-masturbation and dangerous stretching exercises, it affects much more than just your reproductive system. Excess masturbation leads to an overproduction of inflammatory hormones like prostaglandin E2, which—in large doses—can contribute to blurred vision, memory loss, hypertension and joint pain. Another inflammatory hormone, DHT, can also inflame the prostate, leading to serious sexual dysfunction.

Additionally, aggressive penis-stretching exercises can damage tissue, rupture blood vessels can cause unnatural curvature. I would recommend that you forgo the stretching altogether and focus on safer herbal remedies, which allow you to stimulate growth without putting any unnatural stress on your penis.

[SEE: How to recover from shrinking penis with herbs]

Your Penis Isn't Growing Because You're Causing it to Shrink

That's quite a bombshell, right? In order for your penis to achieve its maximum size potential, it requires the optimal balance of hormone, especially during those formative adolescent years. If you're constantly depleting hGH and testosterone through your semen, your body simply won't have the chemical reinforcements that it needs to help your penis to grow to its full length. Your hormone imbalances would also account for your testicle shrinkage.

So maybe you're thinking, “Crap...the damage is already done.” To an extent, yes, but that doesn't mean you need to wave the white flag. Remember those herbs I recommended? They can actually stimulate growth even after puberty has diminished into a distant, painful memory.

Give them a try, take it easy on the masturbation, and if you feel that you may have a sexual addiction, speak to an expert who can help. Oh, and most importantly, please don't hang weights from your penis...seriously.

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观看次数: 87


笔记编号: 58699

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