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Herbal Male Libido Formulas & Aphrodisiac Herbs

Don’t Let Stress or Age Ruin Your Sex Life

Age and stress can lead to intimacy issues that inevitably put a strain on relationships. Healing herbs in this formula form a synergistic blend that promotes the production of testosterone, that increases overall blood circulation, and that boosts energy.

Bee Pollen
Butea Superba
Panax Ginseng

What It Is Formulated To Do:
  • Boost libido naturally
  • Increase blood circulation to the genital area
  • Increase blood flow to sustain erection
  • Prevent excessive DHT conversion
  • Increase testosterone level in the body naturally
The Favorites From Kings & Leaders 

Since ancient times, certain herbs remain recognized for their effects at boosting sexual energy, stamina, and endurance. In ancient cultures, tribal leaders, kings, and emperors had many wives who competed with one another to win the favor of their husbands.

After dealing with stressful political matters in the daytime, these leaders would use libido herbal tonics to keep their sexual activity in high gear. Royal doctors dedicated their study to experimenting and re-formulating herbal blends to achieve the best results.  

Chinese Aphrodisiac Herbs:

Kings  and emperors favored different herb varieties. Chinese emperors often added Cnidium monnieri, Curculigo ochioides, Panax Ginseng,  Fo Ti, Cuscuta chinensis, Cynomorium songaricum, Rehmannia glutinosa, and Epimedium grandiflorum (Horny Goat Weed) to their weekly royal soups.

These herbal blends contained molecules that increased nitric oxide production and PDE-5 activity - very similar to erectile drugs on the market today. [1] [2] [3]

Inca & Mayan Aphrodisiac Herbs:

Inca and Mayan rulers treated Catuaba and Maca powder like gold. These herbs were cultivated in the royal garden where only royal members had access.

African Aphrodisiac Herbs: 

African Tribal leader Shaka Zulu would invade other tribes for their women and Yohimbe bark (Pausinystalia Yohimbe). Pausinystalia Yohimbe (Yohimbe) contains fifty-five potent alkaloids used to increase penile blood pressure. Please note, some men have reported experiencing racing heartbeats after taking Yohimbe, so it’s not suitable for everyone.

Ayurvedic Herbs:

Kings from India loved the herbs Tribulus and Ashwangandha. Tribulus is known as Goksura Himalaya, a name that represents its stamina and strength. Ashwangandha is known as “Indian Ginseng,” which helped Indian kings perform better during their daytime duties and nighttime sexual activities.

Energy herbs drives sex drive too! 

Take the herbal supplements that contains different types of ginsengs such as Panax Ginseng, American Ginseng, Korean Ginseng, and Siberian Ginseng to boost your endurance if you need to perform better at work or in bed.

Guarana, Bee Pollen, and Tribulus are also known to boost energy. When taken together with other aphrodisiac herbs, these herbs can increase both sexual desire and sexual stamina.

Cuscuta Power - Advanced Endurance Support, 60 tabs, (Proactive Natural)5

Average: 5 (2 votes)

PillsButea Superba, Cistanche, Curculigo, Cuscuta, Maca, Panax Ginseng, Pyrola, Tribulus
Rejuven Papa - Strenghten & Lenghten Your Power, 60 tabs, (Rejuven Natural)5

Average: 5 (3 votes)

PillsAvena Sativa, Catuaba, Cistanche, Cnidium, Curculigo, Cuscuta, Deer Antler, Epimedium, Eucommia, Fo Ti, Maca, Panax Ginseng, Pygeum, Pyrola, Rehmannia, Sarsaparilla Jamaican, Schisandra, Tongkat Ali, Tribulus
Libidor - Male Orgasm Intensifier, 60 tabs, (Naturalife)4.666665

Average: 4.7 (3 votes)

PillsCistanche, Epimedium, Morinda
Vitagenone - Rejuvenate Your Body While You Sleep, 60 tabs, (Quantum Natural)4.5

Average: 4.5 (4 votes)

PillsAlisma Plantago, Astragalus Membranaceus, Bupleurum, Dioscorea, Fo Ti, Guarana, Korean Ginseng, Licorice, Maca, Milk Thistle, Panax Ginseng
Ginseng 4x+ - 2 oz, (Lin Institute)4.5

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

LiquidAmerican Ginseng, Fo Ti, Ginkgo, Korean Ginseng, Panax Ginseng, Siberian Ginseng
ViaGrowth IV - Powerful Herbal Supplement For The Best Sex Life Ever, 60 tabs4.5

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

PillsPanax Ginseng, Saw Palmetto, Selenium, Zinc, American Ginseng, Cistanche, Epimedium, Damiana
Passion Dinosaur with Yohimbe For Men - Jurassic Strength Libido Intensifier, 60 vcaps, (Passion Health)4

Average: 4 (2 votes)

PillsCatuaba, Cistanche, Cnidium, Curculigo, Cuscuta, Epimedium, Fo Ti, Maca, Pyrola, Schisandra, Tribulus, Yohimbe
Kanabo Vigor - Invigoration Formula, 60 tabs, (Proactive Natural)4

Average: 4 (1 vote)

PillsButea Superba, Cistanche, Curculigo, Cuscuta, Maca, Panax Ginseng, Pyrola, Tribulus
Herbal Libido Formula - 100 vcaps, (Dr. Christopher's Original Formulas)0

No votes yet

PillsBee Pollen, Guarana, Maca, Yohimbe
Power X - Natural Sexual Performance Booster, 2 oz + 60 tabs, (Lin Institute)0

No votes yet

PillsAmerican Ginseng, Damiana, Fo Ti, Ginger, Gotu Kola, Korean Ginseng, Siberian Ginseng
Male Support Organic - Promotes vitality, strength & proper function of the male reproductive system0

No votes yet

PillsAmerican Ginseng, Ashwagandha, Maca, Tribulus
Ultimate Spanish Fly - 60 ct0

No votes yet

PillsBee Pollen, Cnidium, Epimedium, Guarana, Maca, Panax Ginseng, Yohimbe
Male Support Organic, 4 oz, (Starwest Botanicals)0

No votes yet

LiquidAmerican Ginseng, Ashwagandha, Maca, Tribulus
BestMan - Supports Libido & Improves Performance, 30 vcaps0

No votes yet

PillsEpimedium, Panax Ginseng, Yohimbe, Zinc
Hot Plants for Him - 60 ultracaps, (Enzymatic Therapy)0

No votes yet

PillsEpimedium, Maca, Panax Ginseng, Tongkat Ali, Yohimbe
Steel Libido for Men - Support for Erection & Desire, 75 Liquid Gel0

No votes yet

PillsAshwagandha, Maca, Tribulus, Yohimbe
Ginseng Powermax 4x - 50 caps, (Action Labs)0

No votes yet

PillsAmerican Ginseng, Korean Ginseng, Panax Ginseng, Siberian Ginseng
  1. ^Chiu JH, Chen KK, Chien TM et al. Epimedium brevicornum Maxim extract relaxes rabbit corpus cavernosum through multitargets on nitric oxide/cyclic guanosine monophosphate signaling pathway. Int J Impot Res. 2006;18:335-42.
  2. ^Chen KK, Chiu JH. Effect of Epimedium brevicornum Maxim extract on elicitation of penile erection in the rat. Urology. 2006;67:631-5.
  3. ^Ning H, Xin ZC, Lin G et al. Effects of icariin on phosphodiesterase-5 activity in vitro and cyclic guanosine monophosphate level in cavernous smooth muscle cells. Urology 2006;68:1350-4.
[More Details +]

Views: 102


Blog ID: 58650

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