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Stop Guessing and Start Doing: Sex Guides Help Virgins Get It Right the First Time without Embarrassing Gaffes
Stop Guessing and Start Doing: Sex Guides Help Virgins Get It Right the First Time without Embarrassing Gaffes
A Tale of Two Women
Christie was loved and in love when she and her boyfriend decided to “do it.” They had come close a few times before, but Christie needed more time. Then the two of them skipped school and spent a morning under the blankets in his bedroom. His parents were gone, so they had the house to themselves.
“We were ready,” Christie says. “At least we thought we were. We were both naked, he on top, and he pulled away from me to put on a condom. He had left it in his jeans pocket, so he had to fumble to retrieve the thing. Then he couldn’t get it on. He kept telling me it was too small. Once the condom was finally on, he put his penis inside me and came in about 30 seconds. I felt nothing except pain. He ran off to the shower, and I laid on the bed in a daze. It was not a great experience.”
Tameron is Christie’s younger sister. They’ve always been close, so when she decided to lose her virginity, she asked Christie a few questions. “I didn’t want to get hurt,” Tameron explains. “My friends knew as little as I did about sex. My boyfriend was still a virgin, so he was clueless. I knew Christie would give real advice.”
Christie did just that, and Tameron’s first time showed her all the wonder sex can hold. “It hurt a little,” she confesses, “but I expected that. What I didn’t expect was the pleasure. It actually felt good, and I looked forward to the next time with my boyfriend. We sort of knew what we were doing, or at least what to expect.”
The Difference Maker
What separated Christie’s experience from Tameron’s?
You might say the answer is in learning. Christie advised Tameron and her boyfriend Evan to read books designed for first-timers. SEE: (Book Tips for First Timers) Books as in sexual guides that give information on technique, position and scenario. Many of these books also detail the female anatomy so a woman receives as much pleasure as a men – exactly as sex should be.
“As a guy, I wanted to know I was doing everything right when Tameron and I had sex,” says Evan. “I wanted it to be good for both of us. This is the girl I love. Why wouldn’t I want to be prepared?”
Evan and Tameron selected their books together – one for couples and another just for men. They laughed at some of the information, especially when pictures and diagrams were provided. But Tameron sees now that was the point: to realize sex can be equally funny and passionate.
“These are things I never would have known if I hadn’t read the guides,” she says. “I’ve seen pornos before, I’ve looked at dirty magazines, but those don’t give insight into sex. They depict a very limited portion of lovemaking.”
“Any guy who thinks it isn’t cool to read will change his mind when he looks at first-time guides,” Evan advises. “Nobody wants their initial experience with sex to suck. The books tell you what to expect and how to enjoy it. When I say enjoy, I mean more than just coming. I’m talking about real sex between real people.”
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GuideID: 62534

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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