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Yeast Is Only For Baking Not For Your Vagina
Today I'd like to talk to you crazy kids about some vaginal health, and a little well-known condition called a yeast infection. Yeast infections have to be one of the most annoying, itchy, and burning conditions that a woman can contract. Probably the most disconcerting aspect of the infection is the fact that we can actually give it to ourselves. It is not a traditional sexually transmitted disease, nor can it technically be fully categorized as one. Many yeast infection occurrences are actually brought on from one of three possibilities, and none of them include sexual activity.
The three main causes of a yeast infection are; Poor hygiene practices, the use of certain soaps and detergents, and one of the largest contributing factors, birth control. Yeast infections occur when there is an imbalance of estrogen for one reason or another. The body, more specifically the vagina, depends on well balanced estrogen levels to keep up with vaginal health. Without the support of estrogen, things like vaginal lubrication, elasticity, and acidity will suffer.
Birth control is a major contributing factor for yeast infections, because it can mess with a woman's natural balance of estrogen. Birth control is only able to do it's job by flooding the body with excessive amounts of synthetic estrogen and progesterone. Once the high amount of hormones is within your system, your brain will begin to think that you are actually pregnant. As the mind becomes fully convinced that you are with child, it will send a message to the ovarian function to shut down. In this case too much estrogen can be just as detrimental to the vagina as to little of the sex hormone.
Tales From The Itch
More than half the population of women will experience a yeast infection at some point in their lives. This is probably the only reason I didn’t end up wallowing in my own self pity when I had the great misfortune of contracting one. Since then, I definitely have the deepest sympathy for any woman who has to go through those few days of absolute hell.
Luckily, I was able to quickly clear up the annoying situation that was going on down under by utilizing a natural remedy. Herbs such as Mexican Wild Yam, Fo Ti, Safflower, Muira Puama, and Ligustrum are great vaginal allies. (TRY: Herbal Formula for Vaginal Infection Relief) These herbs will help to heal and sooth the burning and itching sensations that come along with yeast infections. They will also relieve other symptoms, boost your immune system's defenses, and reduce thickness of vaginal discharge.
Your First Line Of Defense
For those lucky ladies out there who haven't been touched by the 'itchy fairy' yet, I would definitely advise you to fly right. The best way to start yeast proofing your life is to look to the panty drawer. From now on, I would highly recommend going commando during the night. Yeast thrives in dark, moist places. And during the day, cotton underwear would be your best bet.
Staying clean down there is also a key factor of yeast infection avoidance. However, you should also avoid soaps and body gels that are heavily fragranced.
Lastly, if you feel that your birth control is the yeast culprit, you should take a break from it for about three weeks after six months of use. This will give your liver the time it needs to properly cleanse, and flush out your system.
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GuideID: 62481

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