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Controlling Anxiety-Induced Premature Ejaculation

It’s every man’s dream to become a porn star. The idea of sleeping with beautiful women on a day-to-day basis makes for an alluring job. Few men know the arduous requirement for becoming an adult star: long hours, spent mostly naked and surrounded by other men and women; a desire to have sex with anyone, from grannies to plumpers to popular actresses; a well-endowed package; and high stamina level.
Ask any actor, and most will admit to the occasional premature explosion while on set. It’s a common occurrence for novice male-film stars. Premature ejaculation is even more common for the average man. Sometimes a man becomes too stimulated that he cannot hold an ejaculation; other times, his body suffers from a sudden stage fright that most novice adult film stars experience.
Panicked Explosion
Think of sex as just one giant chemical reaction, and hormones and neurotransmitters as the chemicals used for powering an erection and controlling an ejaculation. Any imbalance in hormones or neurotransmitters can cause a man to explode. Most anxiety-induced ejaculations can occur because of

Men who experience sudden, unwanted ejaculations often suffer from embarrassment and depression. The depression occurs because of their sexual ineptitude while the embarrassment because of partner dissatisfaction. While premature ejaculation can be caused by anxiety, most men can control the urge by taking all-natural supplements.Almost all anxiety-induced ejaculations occur because of a chemical imbalance. Men cannot stymie an ejaculation because their hormones or neurotransmitters are not being properly produced. Thanks to Motherwort based formula men can experience a heightened sense of control thanks to the reduction in anxiety. According to recent studies, Motherwort helps

  • Inhibit thoughts of anxiety
  • Alleviates symptoms of hyperthyroidism
  • Improve heart palpitations

By inhibiting thoughts of anxiety, men can often experience improved control over an ejaculation. If you suffer from continual premature ejaculation problems, take control today.

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GuideID: 62416

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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