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The Season of Drought: Vaginal Dryness Thwarts Sex and Indicates a Hormonal Imbalance
Here’s a revelation: dry sex should not happen. Period. If you don’t believe us, consider the natural lubricating abilities of both men and women. This proves the human body was designed to get wet during times of arousal. Trust us when we say this is not accidental: that lubrication protects delicate skin tissues and also makes intercourse much more enjoyable.
If This Is True, Why Are Some Women Dry?
You’ve heard the saying that no two women are alike, right? Well, it’s true - each body is slightly different from the next. Where vaginal lubrication is concerned, some women naturally become wetter than others. There’s nothing wrong with this, it is simply the effects of biology.
At the opposite end of the spectrum are those who experience little or no wetness. We know what you’re thinking: how can this be possible when the human body is designed to prevent dry sex? After all, trying to have intercourse without proper lubrication is painful. It can damage the skin and cause tender abrasions that don’t heal quickly.
We first need to say that female sexual desire is a complicated and intricate event. A woman must be sexually attracted to her partner as well as feel comfortable enough to engage in sex. With both of these factors in place, her body will respond to sexual advances by – you guessed it – producing vaginal lubrication. On the other hand, if a woman senses a problem with her partner, isn’t confident in her own body or simply doesn’t feel the required attraction, she’ll stay dry.
On an altogether different plane are those women who want to have sex but cannot get wet. Their condition, known simply as vaginal dryness, is the result of hormonal imbalances. Before you think we’re speaking strictly of those imbalances that occur with age, we’d like to remind you that hormones can be influenced by a variety of factors. Menstruation, breastfeeding and even stress can cause the body’s chemical levels to fluctuate – and hence bring forth a bout of vaginal dryness at any age.
The most important hormone to natural lubrication is estrogen. It prompts the steady release of vaginal fluids throughout the day and increases wetness during times of arousal. When estrogen levels fall, vaginal fluids dissipate.
Don’t Forget These Factors
In addition to hormones, activities like douching, wearing wet clothing and washing with abrasive body soap also hinder natural lubrication. They irritate the vagina’s fragile tissues and impede the release of natural fluids. We recommend you avoid hygiene products formulated with harsh chemicals, skip the douching and wash with warm water and gentle soap.
When it comes to lubrication before sex, keep in mind that foreplay is key. It gives your body the time necessary to rev up, which in turn stimulates lubrication. So be patient when engaging in sex – the body is miraculous but not magical.
Leave the Desert Behind with a Simple Remedy
If you’re feeling a little like the Sahara desert, don’t worry. You can recover personal moisture with Wild Yam Moisturizing Gel. (SEE: Wild Yam for Vaginal Dryness Moisturizing Relief) Wild Yam contains a chemical that acts like estrogen when it makes contact with the body. Don’t worry – the effects of this herb aren’t like those of synthetic estrogen blends. Instead, the gel gently improves vaginal lubrication and even moisturizes dry tissues. You’ll feel comfortably moist for hours, and sex will be better than ever.
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