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The Peeling Penis Dryness Issues
“Check out the new meat,” perpetual college senior Peter Pipelayer said to his buddies, who quickly commenced to drooling. Peter was indicating a group of new freshmen girls who had just entered the local college bar that he and his group of male friends, dubbed the “Rabid Dawgs,” frequented in order to pick off college girls.
After a few moments, there was a collective sigh. “Ah man, Petey, I already banged that one on the right,” said one of his friends.
“Yeah, I nailed her too, and also that one with the purple hair,” another reported, sloshing his beer onto the sticky barroom floor. They were all pretty buzzed.
“What about that hottie in the middle; the shy looking brunette?” Pete queried.
“Haven’t seen her before,” one of his buddies reported.
Peter handed his beer to one of them and swaggered toward the shy girl who was standing behind her friends which were ordering drinks.
“Easy pickins’” Peter mumbled to himself as he neared the girl. He thought pretty highly of himself since several of his recent conquests had told him that he was “cute,” and he had a smile that was semi-cheesy, but seemed to work on women for some odd reason. He couldn’t help it; he was just a stud-god.
As he reached her, she turned toward him and smiled. They engaged in some banter for a few minutes until one of the shy girl’s friends tried the true cock-block maneuver, but it was too late, Peter had already gotten the girl’s cell phone number. Her name was Cindy.
That week he talked to Cindy a couple of times and his expectations were high. He hadn’t bedded down a shy, innocent-acting chick in a while and this one seemed perfect. He jacked-off all week, multiple times every day, fantasizing about having sex with her since they’d had some hot-and-heated conversations. He noticed a little bit of soreness on his penis the more he whacked his wizard but didn’t think too much about it.
The weekend arrived and Peter invited Cindy over to his dorm room to “hang-out.” She’d bought his cheesy smile and dumb banter and soon he’d silenced her nauseous valley-girl talk with some mouth-on-mouth action. That soon progressed to him placing his hand behind her head and pushing it downward toward his recently exposed throbbing member.
Cindy’s eyes suddenly widened and her head snapped back upward. She looked at him nervously and then her watch. She told him that she had forgotten to study and would call him later before hurriedly dashing out the door. Peter looked down and made out several strange looking red and white patches on his penis head and banged a hand against his head in disappointment.
Myriad of Causes
Penis dryness has numerous causes; using irritating detergents, and perfumed soaps and lotions, scrubbing your penis too harshly or with a rough washrag, or contracting an STD. In many cases, it could just be from rough penile play without taking enough of a break to allow the protective epidermal layer to recover and heal, leading to dryness, cracking, and sometimes even bleeding.
So what’s a guy to do if he’s experiencing penis dryness?
A Simple Solution
Since you only have one body to go around in a lifetime, making sure that it’s nothing too serious is of utmost importance, so getting a medical checkup is first.
Once you’re in the clear, there are some powerful all-natural solutions available that can alleviate penile dryness altogether. (TRY: Penile Dryness Relief Creams and Lotions) They do this by deeply penetrating the epidermal layer and moisturizing it from the inside-out and unlike silicone and oil based lotions they not only last longer but also don’t leave any messy residue which can also stain your clothes.
So don’t end up like Peter when you come up to the plate, make sure you’re ready to lay some pipe without any embarrassing diversions.

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GuideID: 61906

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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