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Sex Position: Lie Down And Relax

Some women suffer from anxiety issues during sex. They panic about their body image. They brood over their performance. Some even worry about everyday stresses that impede their enjoyment of sex.

According to studies, women who worry about these issues will notice orgasms becoming less frequent or profound. Meanwhile, women who experience high stress levels may not even reach an orgasm.
Lie Down and Relax places women in a comfortable position to enjoy sex—without the fear of poor performance or body image. Males will sit and extend their legs forward. Ladies will climb on top and straddle a man. Upon penetration, ladies will slowly lean back and extend their legs behind a man.  

Why She’ll Love It:

When you and your partner synchronize your thrusting motions, you’ll notice how easy orgasms become.

Thanks to the separation of your legs, he’ll get deep inside of you, while the freedom of his hands will encourage further clitoris stimulation. And because your legs will too remain close, you’ll notice a tighter thrust.

Why He’ll Love It:

With both hands free, you’ll massage her clitoris to get her to relax. When you synchronize your thrusting motions with clitoris stimulation, she will scream again and again. Plus, this position will welcome a sense of tranquility that will help any self-conscious partner.  

About This Position

Sex Position Number: 163
Difficulty: Guru
Pleasure for Him: High
Pleasure for Her: High
Not Suitable For: Vaginal Dryness
Other Positions You May Like: Batteries Sold Separately
Ideal Penis Size: 7 inches +
Stamina Required: Low
Flexibility Required: Medium 

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Views: 164

GuideID: 61641

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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