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If He Doesn’t Pound Into Me, I Won’t Reach A Climax
Ryan and I have a very healthy and pleasing sex life but I cannot count how many times I have had to ask him to slow down in bed. It must be in the thousands by now. But if he doesn’t pound into me, I won’t reach a climax. I began to observe this trend and understand more about it.

Visualization Failed
I noticed that when we moved slowly and were fused both physically and emotionally, in a desperate attempt not to orgasm, he would stop the motion and hold himself in one position, telling me not to move either. I could only guess that he would envision something very unsexy, such as his grandfather without clothing.

After those few motionless moments, he would immediately start that forceful thrusting, grabbing my hips and smacking his pelvis into me. I would hold onto whatever I could as the pounding caused me to slowly lose all sexual pleasure. It would have been different if he was hitting my g-spot but he wasn’t.

Trying His Best...
I realized that what he was trying to do was regain stamina (after thinking about his grandfather or whatever un-sexy thought came up for him) but the sudden hard thrusting made me tense up and lose sensuality. What is most interesting to me, however, is that after only a few minutes of this, instead of becoming harder, Ryan would lose vitality. Often we would not continue engaging sexually because he could not regain his erection. So we would cuddle up and wonder how we went from feeling so pleasurable to a limp penis, sore vagina, and no orgasms. 

Our sexual experience is many different things; we are both experimental and playful in bed, but we know that sustainable sex means sustainable emotional connection. There were times when Ryan could not control himself when we were very connected and he would need to break away from the intimate moment.

Often he would need to stop just as I was about to orgasm. This, in turn, would cause the entire sexual experience to crumble. I began to research this issue and found information on Harmonic Qigong. I felt as if our experience could be enhanced by practicing this together.
Harmonic Qigong
Qigong cultivates the life force, or energy, and aligns the awareness and the breath. When you take this to the bedroom and attempt to align your energy with your partner’s energy, you both create a harmonic sexual experience, called Harmonic Qigong.

It has other benefits as well. Without knowing it, my partner and I were practicing Harmonic Qigong when we would come together slowly and sensually but we were not educated on how to refrain from having an orgasm and make the experience last.

The link above gave my partner important advice on how to control his ejaculation so that I can reach climax before he does. Now when those moments come up during sex and he needs to control his ejaculation, he knows how to move through it. Since we are more connected than ever before, I have stronger orgasms and then enjoy the experience until he can do the same.

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GuideID: 61632

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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