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The Emotional Roller Coaster Of Sex - Are you Suffering From Post-Coital Depression?
Maybe you grew up together, and you've always had a crush on him. Maybe you've spent months luring him into your bed, getting to know him. Maybe you just met him an hour ago. Regardless of how you meet him, you've just had sex... and you're ready to sob your heart out for no reason. The tears are part of post-coital depression, or PCD. 
The technical term for PCD is “post-coital tristesse” or PCT, and it may affect as many as 1 in 3 women.
The Loops, the Curves and the Rolls
Health-care professionals do not completely understand PCD, but according to studies, a certain correlation exists between the patient’s emotional connection to the man (no PCD data specifically derived from same-sex couples is available).

Certainly, the fear that the partner will leave after intercourse may contribute to the phenomenon, along with internal conflicts over deep-seated values about sex (e.g.: guilt about pre-or extra-marital intercourse), poor self-esteem about body image or sexual performance, or even post-traumatic stress disorder triggered by a previous incident or pattern of incidences related to sexual abuse. But many women who suffer from one or several of these issues report no experience of PCD.
Possible Contributing Factors To PCD
  • Previous sexual abuse
  • Neurochemical imbalances triggered by an orgasm
  • Uncertainty about the relationship
  • Hormonal imbalances (related to or distinct from menstrual cycle)
  • Poor self-assessment about body-image
  • Poor self-assessment about sexual performance
  • Psychological conflict about sexual activity in general
Getting Off The Ride
No one can escape feeling a little blue now and then, but the difference between a feeling “a little down” and experiencing genuine depression is the difference between getting sprayed with a garden hose and getting swept away by a riptide at sea. One might be a little annoying and leave you with a chill, but the other presents a real danger of death. If PCD is a persistent part of your sexual experience, you might consider psychotherapy, or using an herbal supplement designed specifically to assist in elevating your moods.

Analyze Your PCD Treatment Options

If you never have sex, then you can't have PCD. Unless your sexual experience is so uniformly negative the cure may be worse than the disease.
Natural Remedies & Supplements*****
Your negative emotions will be blunted without decreasing the power of your positive feelings – You may find yourself with more positive energy than you know what to do with, and masturbation no longer seems like the only possible solution.
You may come to understand the deeper roots of your problems – You may discover that your problem is biochemical, and untreatable via “talk” therapy. Herbal Supplements
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors – Your depression will be reduced or eliminated – All of your emotions will be damped, even your highs.

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GuideID: 61024

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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