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Infertilidad masculina
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Dolor y lesiones del pene
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Masturbación excesiva
Erección débil
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Caffeine: The Culprit of Premature Ejaculation
A cup of coffee awakens you in the mornings. And when you feel fatigued in the afternoon, a cola can provide you the necessary caffeine to feel energized. But beware! That same cup of Joe or can of soda can become the enemy of your love life!
Too much caffeine can give you the jitters, cause headaches or deprive you of a good night’s sleep. But for men, caffeine can create another devastating side effect – premature ejaculation! Caffeine affects men both mentally and physically, and disruption in either of those areas, can damage a man’s endurance.
Caffeine Dangers
Excess caffeine can induce or exacerbate mental stress, contributing to performance anxiety that can ruin endurance.

High volumes of caffeine activate the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) that regulates the body’s “fight or flight” response. Unfortunately, sexual responses – including the ability to maintain an erection or delay an ejaculation – are channeled through the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS).

So, when caffeine cranks up the sympathetic nerves, the parasympathetic nerves become weak, and the damage to the parasympathetic nerves cause an early release.
Improving Your Endurance

Reducing your consumption of coffee and other caffeinated drinks is an important first step for men plagued by premature ejaculation. You should also consider detoxifying the body through the use of caffeine-extracting herbal supplements. For example, Buckhorn Bark, Burdock Root, Cat’s Claw, Red Clover and Stillingia can remove caffeine’s toxic byproducts while cleaning the circulatory system. These natural remedies, along with reduced caffeine intake, should prolong your sexual encounters and give you the confidence to improve your sex life.

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GuideID: 60971

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