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Prostate Enlargement Surgery Guide: A List of Outcomes and Side Effects

Forget the pills, all-natural remedies and exercises, you want to reduce your prostate-related symptoms now. You want an effective means for combating urinary pain, weak stream and damaged sleep patterns, all thanks to prostate growth. Thanks to surgery, males can find a fast, effective means to cure the potential side effects. However, prostate surgery, like all kinds of operations, include side effects. And prior to finding yourself on the operating table, here’s the FAQs and answers you’ll want before agreeing to surgery.

What Are The Most Common Options for Surgery?

Three kinds of surgeries exist to shrink the prostate and stop symptoms:
TURP (Transurethral resection of the prostate), inserts a scope into the penis to reach the prostate and remove excess prostate tissue. 
TUIP (Transurethral incision of the prostate), similar to TURP, a TUIP works best for men with smaller prostates, but instead of removing tissue like a TURP, a TUIP removes tissue from the urethra to expand the canal and allow more urine to flow out.
Laser Surgery: PVP (Photosensitive vaporization of the prostate), works best for moderate-sized prostates while HoLEP (holmium laser enucleation of the prostate) functions better for larger prostates.
Open prostatectomy, considered the most invasive procedure, incisions along the abdomen or pelvic floor region to alleviate symptoms of the prostate enlargement.

What Are the Related Side Effect for Each Surgery?
  • TURP surgeries can cause retrograde ejaculations
  • TUIP may lead to retrograde ejaculations too
  • Laser surgery may lead to retrograde ejaculations, urinary incontinence, impotence and infertility
  • Open prostatectomy can lead to retrograde ejaculations, impotence and infertility
How Often Are Hospital Stays?

For minimally invasive surgeries, like TURP and TUIP, will likely require an outpatient procedure that requires no hospital stay. While more invasive procedures, like Laser surgery or Open prostatectomy, will require one to 10 days depending on the procedure.

How Quickly Can I See Results?

Most procedures promise immediate results and improvements in urinary flow and prostate-related symptoms.

What Type of Diet Should I Maintain?

Lifestyle tips and diet can improve prostate related symptoms among men. More importantly, supplements, like Beta-sitosterol can significantly reduce symptoms or prostate related pain and urinary problems.

Any Lifestyle Choices I Should Make Prior to My Surgery?

Your doctor will provide you with more advice, but most experts will to advise you to take scheduled bathroom breaks, not consume beverages one hour prior to going to sleep, exercise more and avoid coffee or alcohol. For a full list of lifestyle choices, click here.

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Views: 274

Ideas: Men'sProstate Enlargement, prostate surgery, painful bladder

GuideID: 60847

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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