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Sex Position: For Your Viewing Pleasure

Some couples will love this position; others will hate it. For Your Viewing Pleasure requires couples to masturbate in front of their partners. Now most of you will be a bit turned off by the awkwardness, but bare with us. Masturbating in front of your partner can prove to be a very stimulating sight for most couples. And when done in this position, can heighten the intimacy before sex.
Men will start off by sitting down with their legs extended forward. Ladies will sit on top of a man’s legs, using their feet to grip a man’s hips. The skin-on-skin contact will allow for increased intimacy. And while masturbating, men and women can watch each other and even increase or decrease the tempo. Just don’t sit too close to each other. Remember, you need room to masturbate.

Why She’ll Love It:

When you get bored of self-pleasure, ladies, direct your man to stimulate you. Have him rub and stroke your clitoris while you give him some hand-to-hand stimulation. And for added pleasure, try to maintain the tempo to climax together for a stimulating experience.

Why He’ll Love It:

Men, watching your woman masturbate in front of you creates a new experience. Sure, some women may be a bit shy to masturbate in front of you, but after a few strokes, she’ll warm up to it. Plus, watching her reach an orgasm may even provide you with a bit of stimulation for your own viewing pleasure.

About This Position:

Sex Position Number: 49
Difficulty: For Novice Couples
Pleasure for Him: High
Pleasure for Her: High
Not Suitable For: Female and Male Low Libido
Other positions you may like: Butt-I-Full
Ideal Penis Size: N/A
Stamina Required: N/A
Flexibility Required: N/A 

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Views: 159

GuideID: 60845

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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