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3 Natural Ways for Bigger Breasts Growth
It seems like a lot of celebrities have perfect breasts and the woman at your gym are just too flawlessly shapely to be natural, right?  That’s because they are not.  More and more women are undergoing breast augmentation each year. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, breast augmentation was the number one cosmetic surgery in the country in 2011 with 307,000 women getting the procedure.  

Yet, there are risks that can occur with breast augmentation regardless of surgeon or technique. These include but are not limited to: infection, discomfort, wound breakdown, hypertrophic scar formation, unfavorable healing, implant infection exposure, rupture, deflation, interference with nipple sensation with nursing and aging, need for secondary surgical revisions, and inability to guarantee a specific cosmetic result.
The disadvantages of breast augmentation far outweigh the advantages.  If getting a breast augmentation is what you want then schedule a consultation with a plastic surgeon.  If you want to improve your self esteem, self confidence and make your clothes fit better without undergoing the knife here are the 3 proven methods I have personally tried that work.
1. High Quality Herbs: Herbal supplements for breast enlargement are affordable, free of side effects and offer outstanding results. There are many, but research shows these herbs to be the best for breast growth:
• Fenugreek
• Pueraria Mirifica
• Dong Quai
Fenugreek stimulates breast growth by mimicking the great effects of estrogen and by triggering prolactin production. Both estrogen and prolactin are very important to the development of breasts naturally. Pueraria Mirifica builds more tissue none of which is fat and it also promotes and restores the development of the sexual organs.

Dong Quai contains four different phytoestrogens, which especially beneficial for breast growth because it binds to estradiol receptors, which are specifically associated with breast development. These herbs can easily be found at online health store and can be used in the privacy of your home.
2. Use a Heating Pad: Yes, you can stimulate natural growth of your breasts by using a heating pad! Keeping breasts warm will help you increase the circulation to your breasts. Increased blood circulation will help your body absorb the nutrients from the herbal supplements.  Use a heating pad with low or medium heat daily for about 15 to 20 minutes.
3. Massaging: Massaging your breast twice a day can give you results in a very short time period. A good breast massage works to increase blood circulation to your breasts and enables your breasts to absorb the liquid herbal extracts that stimulate natural breast growth.
Although they take some time and effort to show results, these three methods will transform your body.  You have the right to look and feel your absolute best without putting your health at risk.  Speak with your doctor and focus on what will make you a more comfortable and empowered woman.
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Views: 435

Ideas: Female breast enhancement, herbal medicine, Angelica sinensis

GuideID: 60516

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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