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Infertilidad masculina
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Dolor y lesiones del pene
Bajo deseo sexual
Masturbación excesiva
Erección débil
Agrandamiento de la próstata
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Premature Ejaculation - What Are The Causes? - A look at a variety of potential reasons men suffer from the disorder

The exact cause of premature ejaculation has yet to be determined and the specific and personal causes of PE in individual men vary even more.
Some men might suffer from PE because it manifests as a side effect of certain medications. Others may simply have and one of multiple physical problems that can contribute to PE, like a urinary tract infection or a reflex in the nervous system. Still others might find PE to be caused by deeper psychological reasons. Some men have simply never learned to manage and gauge their body's physical response when sexually stimulated.

Causes of PE can be grouped into:
  • Psychological Causes: Stress & Performance Anxiety
  • Hormonal Causes: Due to Thyroid Hormone Disorder, Sexual Exhaustion From Over Masturbation, Prescription Drugs or Too Much Caffeine
  • Medical Causes: Prostate Enlargement, High Blood Pressure, Prostatis, Weak PC Muscle, Diabetes, or Vasectomy

New studies have suggested that, in younger men, poor sexual habits have contributed to their PE. Masturbation is a primary factor that contributes to the disorder, according to a recent study. The research indicated that men have trained themselves to ejaculate quickly when masturbating for fear of getting caught or for quick satisfaction.

Another recent study suggests that PE is a side effect of other dysfunctions in men. Difficulty achieving a hard erection strains the PC muscles and enlarges the prostate. This extra strain stimulates the Cowper's glands and the prostate, encouraging the release of precum thereby lubricating the urethra and coaxing you into ejaculation.
Ultimately, the study insists that all cases of PE may be effectively treated with a wide assortment of natural remedies that have their origin in Traditional Chinese Medicine such as: Herbal Nourish PillsCalm Pills, and Herbal Solutions for both PE & ED.

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