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NO Man likes Getting Their Prostate Checked
Let’s be honest for a second here, no man, I mean NO man, likes getting their prostate checked. Personally, I had mine done at the tender age of 18 because of a scare of enlargement, and it was undoubtedly one of the worst experiences of my teenage years. “Relax, relax”, the doctor said. Because it’s so easy to let your cheeks let loose when you got some 50+ year old Indian guy with his hand up there! I haven’t had my prostate checked since then but because of my college diet which consisted of a lot of snacks, take-out, and fast food; I should probably get it checked again sooner than later. Oh joy.
And thanks to my mother and her love of text messaging, word got out to a few of my friends about my secret doctor’s appointment. You could probably imagine all the jokes I got that summer, but at least I knew I was healthy. That’s more than I can say for my friends. One recently had a scare with his prostate last October. Poor guy had to go and get it cut out before it spread. Thankfully everything worked out for him. But I hope he didn’t think that his misfortune was going to let me forget the jokes. He was a little sore after all the jokes about his exams, but he will get over it. 
Having your prostate checked is as uncomfortable as it is degrading, but it has to be done. Even though an examination is inevitable, there are certain steps and procedures you can take in order to make sure you don’t have to get your prostate checked every other month.
First off, you have to eat your veggies. Healthy food is important for a healthy body. When you were a kid and mom always told you to do eat your veggies, she was trying to spare you the humiliation of which was destined to come if you didn’t. Broccoli and Brussels sprouts have the right stuff in them to fight off tumors and lower the amount of the prostate-specific antigen in the body. Another household item that you probably have lying around that could help increase your health is green tea. That is right, plain old simple green tea. It is a possibility that the strong antioxidants can prevent the spread of tumors. 
And then there’s ginger, nature’s richest herbal source. Throw in a little lycopene from tomatoes that are able to inhibit the abnormal cell growth of the prostate and some pomegranate. You can’t forget about pomegranates and their power to slow the growth of prostate. 
Just think about it guys, would you rather have your prostate checked every now and then or possibly wind up with the Big C? Make sure you take care of the prostate enlargement before it causes any further damage.
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专辑号: 60222

专辑类型: 知识百科

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