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Easing the way for Sex, for the Shy Person
Shyness sabotaging your sex life?
A huge trigger for shyness is fear. Worrying about what other people think can inhibit one from acting authentically. You want your partner to know what you want. So let’s begin by minimizing the fear. 
Setting the Stage
You want to have sex. So you will have sex! Prepare the stage. Take a mental inventory of the things you know make you feel sexy and comfortable. These will help support you as you begin to initiate sex. 
Study your partner. What do they pay attention to? How do they pay attention to it? What turns them on?
Study yourself. 
Maybe take a few quiet moments of meditation, or just quiet time to become really centered before you begin.
Sometimes a nice, sexy text can work. Or just walking past your partner in your nice lingerie or underwear proves helpful. Touch is very important. So as you begin to tell your partner what you want, touch them. Physical contact helps to focus the attention toward your body, describing what you may be saying. 
Go as slow as you need to. There is no rush.
You can start by stepping in the shower...
Shower Power
During a Rainy Season, you can coyly step into the shower with your partner. Your partner showers at some point, so there’s your opportunity! You can even suggest you take a shower together. Ladies, you can stand behind your man while you playfully wrap your arms around him. Tease him, flirt, and make it fun! Getting frisky in the shower with this position can lead to lots of excitement for both partners in a new, watery environment.
For the shy lady, you can be behind, focusing on your hand movements and your partner’s responses. For the men, you can tease your partner and gently guide her. If both of you are shy, remember, it’s sex with water sports! Make it fun! Washing each other and working in a towel off creates an opportunity for affection.
Straddle Up 
Physical touch is a great way to get attention, or to put attention where you want it. Ladies and gentleman, a simple straddle over of your partner can be a great non-verbal way to get their attention. Now, picture this with no clothes on. From the straddle, add a delicate suggestion of lifting your partners clothes off with a playful smile.
With the female on top, you are naked in the position called Heat Wave. The straddle position of the female has put her in control. The deepening of the position is up to the female, so she can go all in, or ease her way into it. As the male wraps his arms around her, it can be a passionate, yet tender embrace. Kissing and whispering naughty says can also be sprinkled in to minimize the shyness and improve the comfort level.
Enjoy the creativity in planning your steps to lovemaking to open the spontaneity!
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Views: 248

Ideas: Men'sLow Sex Drive, Women'sLow Sex Drive, Sex

GuideID: 60177

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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