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Sex Position: Stand at Ease

Your muscles tend to relax when you Stand at Ease, but you’ll be a little tense in this position. Ladies who enjoy tight penetration will love what Stand at Ease can do for their intimacy and satisfaction level. Each thrust of his penis can provide ample tightness, especially for women who lack the same sensation as before. Plus, Stand at Ease makes for the ideal position for tight spaces, e.g., showers.
Ladies will stand and remain at ease. Men will hug their partners and lower their hips to penetrate. Once inside, enjoy the position ladies and gents.

Why She’ll Love It:

Ladies, you’ve been missing a loving embrace. Hugging—and touching in general—increases your sense of security and trust with your partner. More importantly, a hug from this position increases your oxytocin levels, a chemical used to stymie feelings of isolation.

Mix in the added level of tightness achieved, and Stand at Ease may become your favorite position.

Why He’ll Love It:

She’s mad. Very mad because she continues to experience trust issues with you. If you’re looking for anyway to allay her feelings of insecurity, Stand at Ease may help. Small gestures experienced in this position should give her plenty to warm up to.

Besides, hugging from this position can even boost her self-esteem.

About This Position

Sex Position Number: 181
Difficulty: Novice
Pleasure for Him: Low
Pleasure for Her: High
Not Suitable For: Vaginal Dryness
Other Positions You May Like: Ice Queen
Ideal Penis Size: 7 inches +
Stamina Required: Low
Flexibility Required: Low

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Views: 134

GuideID: 60171

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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