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Infertilidad masculina
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Dolor y lesiones del pene
Bajo deseo sexual
Masturbación excesiva
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Steps for Turning on a Woman

Pleasing women is like attempting to pilot a rocket ship—except all the screens and buttons are written in a foreign language. The more time you spend touching the different levers, buttons and screens, the more you understand what each does.

Once you understand how these systems work, you can turn on the ship. For novice pilots, learning the buttons and levers can prove an impossible task. Despite the lack of knowledge, more experienced pilots have navigated the tough and confusing road to keep novices from crashing.

Step One: Ask

All women were created equal, but different. What one girl may enjoy another may not. This information may seem obvious, but some guys tend to eschew this snippet and forget the first rule of turning on a woman: asking her what she likes.

You cannot know her interests and desires without asking. You too cannot turn her on without asking, so ask away! Ask her how she likes to be kissed. Ask her what her favorite positions are. Ask her what romantic things she enjoys! Ask, ask, and ask some more!

Step Two: State of Relaxation

Women are more sexually attracted to males who can make a girl feel relaxed. Men who find common ground, interests that she enjoys, who make a girl smile, and who express qualities of a gentlemen, find ladies more relaxed and happy.

Step Three: Learn and Apply

Every great copywriter knows that to construct an effective piece of copy, the writer must conduct research, lots and lots of research. After a writer conducts research, he can apply what he learns to create effective copy. Men, like writers, needs to research and apply what they have learned to gain success. Use what she’s told you to adjust your technique. After you study her verbal cues, you’ll understand what turns her on. You’ll know what areas to kiss, suck and lick. Then, you’ll adjust your technique to satisfy her.

Step Four: Non-Responsive

If she remains non-responsive in your attempts to turn her on, you’ll need to ask more questions to understand how to please her. The more you research, the less you’ll need to worry about causing displeasure.

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GuideID: 60051

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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