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Sometimes an Erection Isn’t What It Should Be: A Vibrating Cock Ring Stimulates Arousal and Makes a Man Rock Hard
Allegra is beautiful; thick hair, smooth skin and long legs. She never had a problem getting men and, when she met James, they fell for each other pretty quickly. Within six months they lived together and four months later were married.
The Missing Piece
“It was a whirlwind romance,” she remembers. “But one thing always seemed to be missing - intense, passionate sex. Although we were in love, we couldn’t get it quite right in bed.”
Allegra thought this problem existed only in her mind until after a particularly satisfactory night of sex. It was then James turned to her and said, “Let’s always make it like that.”
Of course that night was an isolated occasion, and Allegra learned to accept her mediocre love life. About two years into their marriage, James finally made a confession. “I don’t get aroused,” he said. “Something is wrong.”
“What do you mean – you don’t get aroused?” Allegra asked.
James hesitated. “I don’t know how to explain it. I feel like my penis nerves are dulled. My erections aren’t as hard as they should be, and it’s interfering with our lovemaking.”
Allegra worried something was wrong with her, that her husband no longer found her attractive. It took some reassuring, but she at last understood James’ problem was with himself. She suggested they visit a friend – a urologist who diagnoses male sexual disorders. At the doctor’s office, James received an education that made him blush.
Too Much Pleasure
“Before I met Allegra, I masturbated a lot,” he confesses. “I had a routine. Wake in the morning, masturbate, shower, go to work, come home and masturbate again before bed. Sometimes I jacked off three times a day. It seemed a better outlet for my sexual energy than getting involved with a girl I didn’t love.”
But all that masturbation caught up with James. At 35, he had desensitized the nerves in his penis and changed his body’s hormone levels. Over-masturbation causes over-ejaculation that floods the body with sex hormones. When produced in abundance they alter body chemistry. This means they inhibit sexual desire and even reduce the potency of orgasm.
“When I was younger, I heard stories that masturbating makes your eyes cross and your penis raw, but I never heard of its long-term impact on sexual pleasure,” James says.
The urologist told James he could try prescription pills or even apply topical creams to his penis to improve the quality of his erections. But James wasn’t comfortable with either. “I don’t appreciate pills, and because my hormones were already messed up, I didn’t want to add more chemicals to my body. As for creams and ointments, I don’t think a man’s penis is the place to experiment.”
A Toy to Try
He and Allegra decided on a vibrating cock ring. (SEE: Vibrating Cock Rings for Erection Control) “If he didn’t like it, he could immediately take it off and forget about it,” Allegra says. “No future implications, no toxins to flush from the body.”
James ordered The O Man Spark and, on a night of romance, slipped it on. “The sensation was incredible,” he recalls. “Every pulse of the vibrator moved throughout my penis. I was incredibly turned-on. The ring itself made me harder than I’d been in a long time. We made love multiple times that night.”
Now, James says he won’t have sex without his vibrating cock ring. “I can’t explain how good it feels. All I’ll say is that any man with erection problems should order one. He won’t be disappointed.”
[More Details +]

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