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Infertilidad masculina
Dolor y lesión testicular
Dolor y lesiones del pene
Bajo deseo sexual
Masturbación excesiva
Erección débil
Agrandamiento de la próstata
Eyaculación precoz
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Reduce Sexual Arousal and Improve Your Memory

Memory is possible thanks to the neurons and neurotransmitters present in the brain. When neurotransmitters go missing, the brain starts to forget. As people age, their bodies begin to produce less and less neurotransmitters. Heavy drug users or sexual addicts can also experience a sudden loss in memory. The reason: recreation drugs can cause a dearth in neurotransmitters while excessive masturbation/ejaculation can release excessive stress hormones that can ruin an individual’s memory.

Masturbation Releases Hazardous Chemicals

When a person masturbates, the body releases stress and androgen hormones. When there are too many stress hormones, i.e., prostaglandin E2, epinephrine, prolactin and cortisol, and a deficiency in androgen hormones--DHEA, testosterone, or DHT--the body experiences pains in the penis, pubis, and lower abdomen, while mood swings, depression, poor memory, and loss in concentration set in.

Herbal Blend Can Restore Your Memory

The increase of stress hormones can ruin a person’s memory, but the minerals and nutrients found in a herbal blend that known as Mental Burnout & Exhaustion Remedy (containing Ashwagandha, Green Tea, Rehmannia, Sacha Inchi, Tumeric Root, and Vinpocetine) can help balance hormone levels. Herbs in this remedy continue to receive a great deal of exposure thanks to studies on the physiological activities of its polyphenols.

Scientific research shows that the antioxidant constituents in herbs, such as Green Tea and Tumeric Root help block the action of carcinogens, while tea polyphenols show a positive effect at inhibiting the abnormal growth of prostate cells. Green Tea, Rehmannia, and Sacha Inchi also quells an individual’s desire to have sex. Because of this known trait, this remedy can stop men from masturbating in excess, which can eventually restore hormone balances and memory.

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GuideID: 58860

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