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Six Ways to Make Your Boyfriend Last Longer in Bed
As a woman, you have needs, and those needs include being sexually stimulated for longer than three minutes. If your partner climaxes almost as soon as the penetration begins, you can look at this problem one of two ways: Either your devastating sexiness is just too much for any man to endure, or your partner has a problem. The first perspective is definitely more comforting, but the second perspective is probably closer to the truth. But how do you bring up a subject like your partner's sexual inadequacy? A man can get bent out of shape pretty easily, especially if the subject involves his penis. But you're probably not going to climax after 5 minutes of thrusting, so we need to come up with a solution, and fast.
Making It Last
Talk to your partner. Delicately. Very delicately, in fact. Actually, forget delicacy. Be blunt. “Dude, I need more than five minutes to climax, and you suck at this.” Okay, if that doesn't work, appeal to his ego. Explain that you want to come for him, and that you just want the action to last longer because you enjoy it so much. Make it all about him and his sexual prowess, and he shouldn't get overly defensive.
Don't jump right into the intercourse. In fact, make him work for it. Foreplay is a great way for you to get a head start on the stimulation. Allow him to pleasure you in a variety of ways, and don't be afraid to get creative with it. This won't necessarily make him last longer during intercourse, but it will give you more of a chance to enjoy the overall experience.
**In some cases, the problem of premature ejaculation will go away on its own after a short time, but this depends on the underlying cause.**
Recommend that he take an herbal remedy. Again, you're going to have to approach this delicately, but remind him that it's all about prolonging the satisfaction for both of you. Premature ejaculation is quite often a sign of a physical problem like prostate inflammation or hormone imbalance, and herbs like Astragalus Complanatus, Cornus and Gardenia can combat these problems. (SEE: Ejaculatory Nerve Calmness Formula)
Make him feel comfortable. Performance anxiety is another common reason why guys experience premature ejaculation. So once again, we return to the subject of the male ego. Yeah, sadly, guys can be pretty fragile, but if you can make him feel comfortable in the bedroom, you just might get the problem under control. Communicate with him openly, show him that you're having a good time, and even compliment his performance on occasion. If you can boost his confidence, the experience will be better for both of you.
Encourage him to cut back on alcohol or tobacco. According to the WebMD, alcohol, tobacco and drug use can contribute to PE, so put your foot down and insist that he adopt a healthier lifestyle. You don't even have to mention that it has anything to do with sex.
Be patient. If you just started a new relationship, your partner may just feel overwhelmed. But if the problem persists after a couple of months, refer to the steps above.
**According to WebMD, antidepressants are sometimes used to treat premature ejaculation. Be warned, though, that SSRIs can have sexual side effects of their own, including soft erections.**
Don't Let Premature Ejaculation Ruin Your Sex Life
Sex should be enjoyable for both of you, so don't feel any guilt about being proactive. Too many women remain silent for fear of upsetting their partner, but this benefits neither of you, and in fact, it can manifest itself in many passive aggressive ways. So assert yourself, and start demanding the kind of fulfilling sex that you deserve.
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Ideas: intercourse, Boyfriend, Bed

GuideID: 62487

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