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Infertilidad masculina
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Get Healed with Astragalus Membranaceus

Penile pump injuries remain common among men. For men, size means everything. Their egos depend on it, and most, will try almost anything for a bigger, more alluring size. Penile pump companies beguile men into trying the products by creating effective marketing schemes that appeal to size-deficient males.

Testimonials offer a bevy of individual stories all stating results, while spokesmen assert the power of the pump. Most males spend hundreds on a single product, only to subsequently spend hundreds more to repair the damage caused. Once the damage occurs, the process for healing takes months, but men who take all-natural supplements such as Astragalus Membranaceus experience shortened recovery times.

The Lasting Damage of an Injury

Penile pumps work on the premise of injecting air into the penis to actuate growth. Except most men over pump or pump for extended periods. When a man over pumps, he risks rupturing blood vessels, damaging nerve endings, and bruising tissue, all of which can lead to erectile dysfunction problems. When tissue is bruised, scar tissue will take its place. Damaged blood vessels will stymie the flow of blood, while ruined nerve endings can prevent the proper stimulation from reaching the penile gland.

When combined with other powerful herbs, Astragalus can heal the damage penile tissues and help:
Why Astragalus Membranaceus Works

Men who have suffered from a penile injury understand the arduous rehab required: no sex or no masturbation during recovery. The damage done to the tissue, blood vessels, and nerve endings takes months to heal. However, healing can occur faster thanks to the polysaccharide found in Astragalus known as Astragalan B.

According to Chinese studies, Astragalan B improves your body’s immunity and white blood cell production. Because of the chemical compounds found in Astragalus Membranaceus, it can stimulate the speed and recovery of penile injuries, allowing tissue, nerve endings, and blood vessels to heal faster.

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Blog ID: 63809

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