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Yoga Pose for Hot Flashes

Approximately 85% of menopausal women feel the prickly heat sensation hot flashes cause. When estrogen levels experience a sudden drop, the nervous system becomes contorted and hot flashes ensue. Some women have discovered that yoga exercises help ‘reset’ their stress level and calm their nerves, lessening the severity of hot flashes.

How To Do It:
  1. Turn on relaxing music, i.e., nature sounds or classical music. Sit parallel to a wall that is at least three feet wide.
  2. Rest the right side of the body against the wall with your legs outstretched.
  3. Bend your knees and lie down on your left side with your feet touching the wall.
  4. Roll onto your back to straighten your legs. Rest them against the wall.
  5. Practice deep breathing exercises. Exhale in and out slowly while trying to calm your mind. Put your hands on your abdominal area so that you can feel them rise when you inhale and fall when you exhale.
  6. Maintain the posture for five minutes. Then sink your body onto the floor.
Repeat steps as often as you like. Please, don’t get up too fast, you might become dizzy if you have high blood pressure.

Yoga Pose For Hot Flashes reduces the occurrence of hot flashes, and when integrated with other natural solutions such as the Phyto Menopause Formula or the Natural Hot Flashes Relief Solution, the exercises can be more effective. Other natural solutions, such foot reflexology, may also quell the frequency of hot flashes.

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Blog ID: 63771

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