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Infertilidad masculina
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Dolor y lesiones del pene
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Masturbación excesiva
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Agrandamiento de la próstata
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Masters and Johnson's Squeeze Method

Developed by Masters and Johnson, the squeeze method suggests stimulating the man to the brink, when he feels the onset of orgasm he is to squeeze his penis hard enough to inhibit ejaculation. He will also partially lose his erection.

But not to worry, practicing this technique allows the man to successfully gauge his sexual response and determine the amount of stimulation he requires to orgasm. This enables him to be better prepared during regular intercourse or sexual activity. This technique only work for men that have occasional or Incidental Premature Ejaculation but need to seek herbal treatment if problem worsen.

Progressive Results
A study of a progression of the technique, from manually to motionless intercourse and finally to intercourse was reported to be successful in 68% of those who participated. They also perfected the technique with ease. (Overview: Ejaculation Control Techniques)

Squeeze Technique For The Couple:
This is best done when both parties in a couple participate, but a man can do it alone via masturbation if there is no partner.
  1. The couple starts by getting as relaxed as they can, free from distractions.
  2. They kiss and caress until the man is aroused. She then takes his penis in her hand and begins stroking it.
  3. The man concentrates on his feelings of arousal to increase his sexual awareness. (He should not try to think of other things in an attempt to distract from ejaculation).
  4. When he feels he is about to ejaculate, he signals his partner.
  5. She immediately stops stimulating him and applies firm but gentle pressure around the penis where the glans (head) meets the shaft. She applies this pressure for 10-20 seconds.
  6. She releases her grip, and they wait for about 30 seconds.
  7. The procedure is repeated several times before ejaculation is allowed to occur.
Enhanced Squeeze Method
Squeeze method is a good mechanical & forceful technique to stop early ejaculation. It's not suitable for people suffering from severe and very severe condition of premature ejaculation. If squeeze too hard or for too long, damage to the penile tissue can resulted in soft erection, impotence, or unsustainable erection. It is crucial to take penile tissue rejuvenating herbs and minerals along with this technique:
  • Nacre - Contains essential minerals and specialized form of calcium for proper nerve functions
  • Cnidium - Increase blood flow and stimulate the recovery of damaged penis tissues
  • Passion Flower - Known for it's calming effects for hyper-sensitive ejaculating nerves
  • Selenium - Very important mineral that is necessary for Central Nervous System. Also needed for people suffering from both premature ejaculation & diabetic neuropathy
  • Vitamin B6 & B12 - Crucial member of B-complex that are served as factors behind nerve activities
  • Cynomorium - Enhance quality of erection through increase of nitric oxide production & help to recover from weak parasympathetic nerves
These penile tissue rejuvenating herbs and minerals blending in Climax Control Herbal Formula to work together to help maintain hard erections and fix any sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve damage.

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Blog ID: 63719

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