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Vaginal Infection Relief & Detoxification Formula

Antibiotics and birth control pills can alter the balance of the ‘friendly’ micro flora that subsists in the vagina. Pathogens from these drugs can result in yeast infections or bacterial vaginosis, with symptoms ranging from abnormal discharge, odor, pain, and an itching or burning sensation. Most vaginal infections develop into more serious conditions, such as pelvic inflammatory disease.[1],[2]

Harmful Side Effects
It is known that estrogen-based birth control pills can promote an enzyme called Delta-5 Desaturase (D5D) that, through an enzymatic cascade, result in the excessive amount of prostaglandin E-2 produced. For some women, harmful yeast proliferation and germination occurs if their macrophages take on too much prostaglandin E-2, reducing the available T lymphocyte, Interleukin-1B (IL-1B), and Interleukin-6 (see chart).

Harmful yeast then grows around the normal protective vaginal bacterial flora, resulting in vaginal infection. In a laboratory test of a mouse, prostaglandin E will enlarge a spleen, a sign of distress immunity. [3] [4] [5]

How This Formula Helps
This solution is aimed for temporary relief of vaginal itching, burning and discomfort, as well as the detoxification of metabolic residue build-up from the long-term use of birth control pills. This combination of herbal and homeopathic remedies works effectively.

Beneficial Ingredients:
  • Calendula - soothes and heals
  • Candida Albicans 30X HPUS -  relieves symptoms of Candida yeast infection
  • Hydrastis canadensis (Goldenseal) 1X HPUS –boosts immune defense
  • Borax 14X HPUS - treats thick vaginal discharge
Bupleurum Chinense, Ashwagandha, Fenugreek, Carthamus Tinctorius (Safflower), Polygonum multiflorum (Fo Ti), Muira puama, Mexican Wild Yam, Rehmannia glutinosa, and Ligustrum lucidum improve liver function and immunity. Phytoestrogen and phyto-compounds in this complex also replenish essential fatty acids and amino acids that restore a vagina to health with beneficial micro-flora. Once the friendly micro-flora is restored to balance and toxin residues are expelled from the body, the chronic vaginal infection should be fundamentally reduced or prevented.

How This Formula Helps

This solution is aimed for temporary relief of vaginal itching, burning and discomfort, as well as the detoxification of metabolic residue build-up from the long-term use of birth control pills. This combination of herbal and homeopathic remedies works effectively.

Beneficial Ingredients:
  • Calendula - soothes and heals
  • Candida Albicans 30X HPUS -  relieves symptoms of Candida yeast infection
  • Hydrastis canadensis (Goldenseal) 1X HPUS –boosts immune defense
  • Borax 14X HPUS - treats thick vaginal discharge

Bupleurum Chinense, Ashwagandha, Fenugreek, Carthamus Tinctorius (Safflower), Polygonum multiflorum (Fo Ti), Muira puama, Mexican Wild Yam, Rehmannia glutinosa, and Ligustrum lucidum improve liver function and immunity. Phytoestrogen and phyto-compounds in this complex also replenish essential fatty acids and amino acids that restore a vagina to health with beneficial micro-flora. Once the friendly micro-flora is restored to balance and toxin residues are expelled from the body, the chronic vaginal infection should be fundamentally reduced or prevented.

[1] Cherpes TL, Hillier SL, Meyn LA, Busch JL, Krohn MA. A Delicate balance: risk factors for acquisition of bacterial vaginosis include sexual activity, absence of hydrogen peroxide-producing lactobacilli, black race, and positive herpes simplex virus type 2 serology. Sex Transm Dis. 2008 Jan;35(1):78-83.
[2] Ewaschuk JB, Dieleman LA. Probiotics and prebiotics in chronic inflammatory bowel diseases. World J Gastroenterol. 2006 Oct 7;12(37):5941-50.
[3] Elias J. Anaissie, Michael R. McGinnis, Michael A. Pfaller, Clinical mycology. p. 549., Churchill Livingstone, 2009. ISBN:1416056807.
[4] O'Day DM, Head WS, Robinson RD., An outbreak of Candida parapsilosis endophthalmitis: analysis of strains by enzyme profile and antifungal susceptibility., Br J Ophthalmol. 1987 Feb;71(2):126-9.
[5] Weems JJ Jr., Candida parapsilosis: epidemiology, pathogenicity, clinical manifestations, and antimicrobial susceptibility., Clin Infect Dis. 1992 Mar;14(3):756-66.

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