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ViaPal-hGH-X Remedy for ED with High Blood Pressure

ViaPal-hGH-X Formula is an erectile dysfunction herbal formula used to rejuvenate the sex organs. It is also suitable for men who have cardiovascular conditions.

Newman Lin of the Lin Institute designed this formula to have similar effects to ViaPal-hGH-P, but has since added additional herbs suitable for sexually exhausted people with high blood pressure and heart-related diseases.

Herbs, amino acids and mineral complexes in this formula help
  • Benefit men suffering from weak or unsustainable erections
  • Assist with erectile tissue damaged by high blood pressure
  • Provide growth hormone-like rejuvenation for sexual organs
  • Enhance dopamine, serotonin and acetylcholine concentration
  • Improve circulation to reduce lower-back soreness, groin pains and pelvic cramps
  • Reduce sexual exhaustion symptoms, such as eye floaters, blurred vision and ringing ears
  • Refine interaction of both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems
Men who have heart conditions, who are physiologically burn-out due to chronic masturbation or sex addition, or who have sensitivity issues due to a depletion of dopamine, serotonin, acetylcholine and oxytocin benefit from this formula.

How It Works
Yohimbe, Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium) and Herba Cistanche improve blood flow to aid penile tissue, while Grape Seed, Garlic Oil, Nettle Root, Avena Sativa, Pygeum Bark and Panax Ginseng counterbalance the rapid increase in blood pressure.
Herbs in this formula rejuvenate the sex organs by providing nutrients and amino acids beneficial for the adrenal glands, testicles and prostate.

Men with prostate enlargement or prostatitis experience a reduction in pain thanks to Pumpkin Seed, Avena Sativa, Mexican Wild Yam and Pygeum Bark found in this formula.

Adoptagenic and nutritious ingredients such as Panax Ginseng, Mexican Wild Yam and American Ginseng provide nutrients to damaged sex organs that regular food consumption cannot.

More Benefits
Additional benefits include improved fertility, replenishment of neurotransmitters, semen quality improvement and mood stabilization.

[More Details +]

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Blog ID: 63675

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