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ViaPal-hGH-D Restoring Remedy For Vaginal Insensitivity & Loosness

ViaPal-hGH-D formula is a multi-function restorative formula that is suitable for men and women. Herbs in this formula are known to repair penile and vaginal tissues. Men use this formula for penile injuries.

Women with hormonal disruption and damage to their sexual organs resulted in vaginal loosenessorgasm difficulty, and g-spot insensitivity can benefit greatly from this formula.

  • Herbs, amino acids, and mineral complexes in this formula are designed to:
  • Enhance liver detoxification
  • Rejuvenate damage vaginal tissues
  • Increase nitric oxide production
  • Replenish essential brain’s acetylcholine, parasympathetic nerves, and various important neurotransmitters
  • Increase arterial dilator cGMP concentration
  • Restoration of orgasmic function, libido, and g-spot sensitivity

Female sexual dysfunction often caused by internal hormonal imbalance, stress, and intake of birth control pills & prescription drugs. Combed with chronic vaginal abrasion from using vibrator, aging, or abusive sexual activities often accelerated vaginal aging resulted in vaginal insensitivities and looseness. Newman Lin PhD from Lin Institute believed this formula can help women’s aged or damaged clitoris return back to the cherry fruit, very shinny & juicy condition.   

How It Works

Schisandra, Cnidium Monnier, Yohimbe, and Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium) in this formula serve as blood flow boosters to the vaginal tissue. Other herbs and minerals, such as Ginkgo Biloba, Panax Ginseng, and Siberian Ginseng help increase peripheral vaginal circulation. These combined herbs help to bring necessary restorative nutrients to the injured vaginal tissues and clitoris.
Additional rejuvenating and nutritious ingredients such as Panax Ginseng, Mexican Wild Yam, Korean White Ginseng, Gotu Kola, and Siberian Ginseng provide nutrients for damaged sex organs  that regular food consumption cannot.
Herbs that are beneficial to vaginal and clitoral sensitivity are too synergized in this formula. Nettle Root, Mexican Wild Yam, and Siberian Ginseng are very benefical in hormonal stabilization. Estrogen and progesterone can be balanced with herbal supplementation with reduced sexual activities.
Synergized herbs in this formula can increase the production of hormones for healing process, such as growth hormones, DHEA, balanced androstenedione and estrogen. Proper production of hormones would make you happier and better mood.

More Benefits

Liver function is also enhanced to help reduce the buildup of stress hormones. Excessive amount of adrenalin production in the brain and adrenal medulla can be easier and metabolized faster too. You should make up fresh each day!

[More Details +]

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Blog ID: 63673

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