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Regulate the Bleeding By Chasteberry

Every 14 days or so, women get a visit from Mother Nature. She greets you with headaches, stomach cramps, bleeding and the occasional mood swing or two. Mother Nature is not big on welcomes. For some women, though, Mother Nature greets them sporadically—never on a set schedule. Some days it’s past the 14-day period, other times long before the 14-day schedule.

For women with irregular cycles, getting pregnant can turn into a cumbersome task and wearing white pants can be impossible. Irregular cycles tend to occur because of hormone imbalances in the body. Smoking, birth control and even too much sex can all lead to an imbalance.

Feel Regular

Women with irregular bleeding can try an all-natural herb known for helping restore hormonal balances. Traditionally used to impede heavy menstrual flows, Chasteberry serves another purposes: regulating the menstrual cycle. Chasteberry helps regulate menstrual flow by:

  • Reducing prolactin concentration, which is known to cause menstrual issues, such as irregular periods
  • Normalizing the menstrual cycle
  • Minimizing premenstrual syndrome symptoms

Mother Nature may not provide the warm welcome you may intend, but with Chasteberry, you can feel the faint-hearted meeting more regularly.

Chasteberry is featured components in these effective formulas:

[More Details +]

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Blog ID: 63644

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