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Pleasure Enhancers for Women with Orgasm Dysfunctions

A man’s sex drive is like a tea candle, easy to turn on, fast to burn out. A woman’s sex drive is like a strove—it takes a few minutes to heat up, but stays warm long after it turns off. For some ladies, the process of warming up remains a necessary requirement to achieve an orgasm. Without the necessary foreplay, some ladies will be unable to reach an orgasm. And some gals, even with plenty of foreplay, sufficient clitoris stimulation and an adequate technique will remain unable to feel the intense, pulsating sensation resonating from the pelvis. Why? Orgasm dysfunction. Some ladies, no matter how much stimulation or pleasure experienced, cannot reach an orgasm because of poor technique and poorer stimulation. Instead, ladies with a bit of trouble might want to try these pleasure enhancers that improve stimulation and help women reach their peak, again and again.

First, Why Can’t You Reach Your Peak?

Try lighting charcoal on fire without lighter fluid. Even the self-start charcoal requires countless tries before it ignites. A woman’s body, like the charcoal, requires an igniter, an intensifier to produce the necessary pleasure. Without this intensifier, the body will fail to experience stimulation. Some women, because of age, low stimulation or low sex drive, cannot experience that igniter to turn them on. From damaged clitoris tissue to menopause, these causes remain frequent and detrimental to a woman’s sexual stimulation. Other common causes for orgasm difficulties include

  • Clitoris insensitivity
  • Menopause
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Vaginal Dryness
  • Drug use
Sexual Enhancers: The Key Toward Reaching and Orgasm

For women to reach an orgasm, a few requirements must be fulfilled:

Comfort: A women in a relaxed state increase her chances of reaching her peak. Try using some massage candles to lighten her mood. A light massage, maybe the scent of a candle or two, can put the mind at ease.

Stimulation: Pretty obvious, but some ladies cannot experience stimulation. Men and women with trouble in this department may want to purchase some stimulation pills or nipple massagers that increase sensation. By increasing a woman’s sensation to touch, she’ll feel every inch of your tongue, penis, finger or vibrator. Meanwhile, the silicone nipple massagers will stimulate another higher erogenous area on a woman’s body.

Technique: You might consider yourself a guru in the bedroom, but her faked orgasms tell a different story. If your technique is the issue in question, pleasure toys, like penis strokers, can elevate your stimulation and hers. Throw in a penis desensitizer or two and men can last longer than their usual five or six minute routine.

When men and women combine comfort, stimulation and technique, ladies can start reaching their peak. Ladies who lack sensitivity can try pleasure pills that elevate a woman’s excitement level. So ladies and gentlemen, go ahead and try your luck today.

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Blog ID: 63618

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