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Penis Cream and Lotion For Dryness, Irritation, Excessive Rubbing and Chafing

A moist penis is a happy penis. When dryness sets in, sex can transform from pleasurable to painful. Urinating

can present challenges, and gaining and keeping an erection—without winching—can prove cumbersome. And if your penis is starting to feel like a dried mushroom tip—leathery and cracking—you got a problem, a big one (or maybe a small one if you’re unlucky). Preventing dryness can prove difficult for some men, so if you’re part of the unlucky few who remains plagued by dry, cracking skin around your penis, these treatment options can improve your pleasure.

First—Why Am I Dry?

Most men who notice dryness find themselves asking, “What the hell is wrong with my dong?” Well, several common issues can dry your penis, lead to infections and piss you off in the process. Here’s a list of common causes for your dryness problem.

  • Soap—Smelling good can come at a cost: dryness.
  • Hot Water—It’s cold outside, but you don’t need to shower with scolding water.
  • Moisturizes—Instead of moisturizing, some lotions dry the skin.
  • Skin Infections—Common infections can assail your penis too.
  • Rough scrubbing—Don’t rub with loofah, aka, the commercial cheese grader for your body!
  • Cold weather—Winter can dry not only your skin, but the foreskin and penile glan.
Penis Creams at a Glance
  • Moisturizes the skin to prevent dryness
  • Contains natural ingredients that work with the skin to prevent dryness
Product Comparison: Finding What’s Right for Me

Men could opt to use traditional skin lotions, but these creams may not offer the same effects as products designed for your genitals. See, these lotions contain ingredients vital to your sensitive skin around the penis, and your knowing what traits to look for can narrow down the search for the ideal product.

  1. Lasting Effects: Silicone and oil-based lotions will make the most effective products on the market. Water-based lubricants will do little for dryness.
  2. Silicone or Oil-based: Silicone lotions last longer than oil-based creams, but silicone creams can leave greasy, sticky residue. Oil-based solutions, meanwhile, can provide an easier wipe-away formula, but still, can stain clothing.
  3. Scented or Not: If you’re noticing an increase in Smegma, white, cheesy residue exuding from under your foreskin, buy the scented lotions. If you dislike the smells, choose a non-scented lotion.
Proper Application
  1. Shower to eliminate any filth from under the foreskin (if uncircumcised). Filth too can lead to dryness and infections.
  2. Dry the foreskin and penile glan with a soft towel. Do not rub too hard to prevent chaffing.
  3. Apply a dab of lotion on your fingers to rub around the skin.
  4. Remove any excess lotion from the foreskin and glan.
  5. Allow the lotion to dry for a few seconds.

Q: Can These Lotions Dual as Lubricants for Sex?
A: Yes, most will dual as lubricants for sex; however, they do not contain any spermicide.

[More Details +]

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Blog ID: 63533

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