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Herbal Lotion For Penile Tissue Recovery & Enhancement

Penile injuries remain one of the most common sex-related problems a man can experience. Penile injuries, known as fractures by urologist, can prevent the corpora cavernosa from holding blood.

When the corpora cavernosa can no longer hold the same amount of blood, males can experience weak or non-existent erections, scar tissue buildup and even plaque, issues that can all cause impotence and penile shrinkage.

Males can, however, reverse the damage of these injuries and regain their original size ruined by sex-related injuries caused by dangerous sex positions, penile stretches, restrictive clothing, over masturbation, penile pumps and injections using the right herbal lotion discussed below.

Solution Summary

Solution #:3592

Age: 18 to 65 years

Purpose: A gentle enlargement method and good complement with other penis size enhancement methods for male sufferred from penis injury

Effective Herbal Combination: Aloe, Epimedium, Ginkgo, Soy Isoflavone, Tribulus, Wild Yam


  • Eliminates plaque and scar tissue buildupc
  • Improves erectile strength after injury
  • Heals bruising
  • Lengthens an erection after injury
Formulation Principle

Herbal lotions contain rejuvenating nutrients that heal tissue and blood-vessel ruptures caused by excessive masturbation and dangerous sex positions. Ingredients such as Ginkgo and Aloe provide nutrients and growth factors to tissue cells, assisting in the recovery of injuries. And because these herbs provide nutrients everyday food products cannot, they serve as a valued aid in the recovery process.

As an added bonus, these herbs too increase penile size that often decreases after an injury. So for men who cannot take herbal pills, lotions provide a suitable alternative for getting concentrated dosage of nutrients.

How It Works

Together, these herbs seep through the pores of the epidermis to reach the subcutaneous fat layer, an area of fat where nutrients treat damaged tissue cells.

After nutrients reach the subcutaneous layer, they begin to repair blood vessels and bruised tissue. Men who notice bruising will soon see tissue return to normal.

The transdermal ingredients, meanwhile, provide tissue and blood vessels with proteins that reduce scar tissue and plaque buildup.

According to studies, penile injuries often lead to a buildup of plaque that causes penile shrinkage.

Men who experience injuries may too notice shrinkage, and thanks to testosterone-enhancing herbs, such as Tribulus and Epimedium (Horny Goat Weed), men can see restored erectile length altered by an injury.

Herbal Spotlight
Treats skin disorders and wounds as an anti-inflammatory remedy.

Contains aloectin B that stimulates the immunes system for healing skin wounds.

Soy Isoflavones
Reduces hormonal imbalances that may cause weak erections.

Minimizes intense sweating.

Wild Yam
Contains phyto-estrogen and progesterone levels that can improve libido.

Increases blood flow to blood vessels and provides oxygen supplies to the genital area.

Triggers prostaglandins and nitric oxide production for increased sexual arousal.

Contains saponin, a chemical known to release testosterone into the blood stream.

Improves sex drive and erectile length.

Epimedium (Horny Goat Weed)
Contains Icariin, a cGMP-specific PDE-5 inhibitor that prevents erectile strength.

Additional Info

There are several herbal lotions formulated with effective herbal combination listed below. Each of these herbal lotions complement well with other penis enlargement herbal formula, particular for men suffered from penis injury or plaque buildup from injuries of excessive masturbation. It is important to know that there are key circumstances that can affected herbal penis enlargement such as: Age, Chronic Diseases, Smoking, Marijuana, Stress Hormones, and Low Testosterone. (A List of Circumstances Affecting Enlargement Efforts)

Due to each person's health status and genetic makeup, each product might have different result or progress. It is important to know that your penis enlargement can be wasted if you have not recovered fully from the penis injury...(See Wasted Your Penis Enlargement Efforts & Traumatize Your Penis Further).

Share your experience and results with other to help other benefit from it too.

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Views: 65


Blog ID: 63489

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