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No More Sexual Intercourse. He Can Only Erected When Masturbated

A 21 year-old man suffers premature ejaculation, back pains, blurry vision and dizziness as a result of over-masturbation. He can only achieved erection with masturbation.

Case #: 45021


I am 21 years old and first masturbated when I was 14. I didn’t really enjoyed and didn’t do it so much. When I turned 16, after watching porno at friend’s house, it got me really horny for sex and started masturbating 1 to 2 times almost everyday. Now, I have problem controlling ejaculation. Worse happened this week, I thought I had a good erection, but as soon as I put on my condom it just vanished! It's very odd; because when I watch porn I can have an erection for 15 minutes. I'm feeling tired all the time, dizziness, fuzzy vision and a slightly lower back pain near the kidney area.


Most of your symptoms premature ejaculation, fatigue, back pains, fuzzy vision and dizziness is likely the result of over-masturbation. Watching pornography and having excessive fantasies often lead to addiction to masturbation. Many young adults have suffered the sexual exhaustion from over masturbation like you.

Once your brain has been addicted to the continuous strong stimulation from pornography and especially the one involved in drama and erotic story, it will invoked several areas of the brain. The strong visual stimulation specifically occurred at these specific regions of the brain:

  • Inferior temporal cortex
  • Right insula frontal cortex
  • Right inferior frontal cortex
  • Left anterior cingulate cortex
  • Right inferior occipital gyrus

Dr. Arnow of Stanford University School of Medicine and his research team have studied the relationship of these regions of the brain with visual stimulation using function MRI and PET (Positron Emission Tomography). [1] [2] [3]

Masturbation is very addictive and erection is easily achieved than vaginal sexual intercourse. Research shown that during masturbation with visual sexual stimulation, more cerebral blood flow into these frontal and temporal cortex. [2] [3]

As to your problem of maintaining an erection during porn viewing but not with a woman, is a good indicator of sexual exhaustion. You have been over-stimulated in those cortex regions that vaginal intercourse does not excite you anymore. Most likely your adrenal glands and sex organs are exhausted, so not enough of androgen hormones are produced.

During masturbation with continue stimulation of frontal and temporal cortex, you feel sexually aroused, the brain releases the neurotransmitter acetylcholine into the bloodstream in the sex organs. Then acetylcholine causes the endothelium in the blood vessels and in the spongy penis chambers to produce an enzyme called nitric oxide synthase that helps to produce nitric oxide for erection. At a long run, your brain will need more and more stimulation to keep the exhausted adrenal glands and sex organs working overtime. Eventually various symptoms of sexual exhaustions will appear, including severe seminal leakage, early ejaculation, and youth impotence.

Sexual exhaustion condition is extremely unhealthy and can only be reversed by, first and foremost, removing pornography from your life. Then proceed with Golden Metal Lock Herbal Formula to rejuvenate your exhausted neuro-endocrine systems and your weak ejaculation nerves. Many potent herbs in the formula would help you balance critical hormones and neurotransmitters, such as oxytocin, prolactin, and prostaglandin E-1. Once all your neurohormones, neurotransmitter acetylcholine, and nitric oxide are restored to the normal level, you will able to main hard erection for vaginal sexual intercourse at a much longer period of time.


  1. ^Stoleru S, Gregoire MC, Gerard D, Decety J, Lafarge E, Cinotti L, Neuroanatomical correlates of visually evoked sexual arousal in human males. Arch Sex Behav 1999; 28: 1–21.
  2. Bruce A. Arnow, John E. Desmond, Linda L. Banner, Gary H. Glover, Ari Solomon, Mary Lake Polan, Tom F. Lue and Scott W. Atlas, Brain activation and sexual arousal in healthy, heterosexual males, Brain (2002) 125 (5): 1014-1023.
  3. Redoute J, Stoleru S, Gregoire MC, Costes N, Cinotti L, Lavenne F, et al. Brain processing of visual sexual stimuli in human males. Hum Brain Mapp 2000; 11: 162–77.
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观看次数: 85


笔记编号: 62568

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