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Mind Control Solution For Addicted Dirty Mind

The Rise of Porn Addiction

Porn addiction is much more prevalent today than it was 20 years ago. 20 years ago, the consumer had to venture outside his home to obtain pornography. Men had to visit a sex theater. Couples had to rent a porno

from a video store. Individuals had to walk into a store and purchase a porn magazine.

This Solution Maybe Helpful If You:
  • Can't quit thinking about porn or stop watching porn
  • Lustful & naughty images constantly occupied your mind
  • Feeling negative or weird after masturbation
  • Suffering from typical sexual exhaustion symptoms: fatigue, lower back discomfort, & unsustainable erection
Formulated To Fix Porn Addiction & Mind Cleanse Based On These Healing Herbs: 

Today, porn is cheap, instant, and private. With a credit card and Internet connection, men and women can access millions of videos, pictures, and live chat rooms. No more venturing outside the home. No more sitting in a theater. No more having to buy a magazine.

Pornography comes to you. Individuals can discreetly purchase a monthly pass to a porn site, subscribe to a digital magazine, and even witness live sex over the Internet.

Because of this privatization, men (and some women) have become more prone to sexual addiction. Men who have watched porn from an early age have became addicted and may have altered their brain chemistry because of it.

Addictive Mind Can Become Delusional

When men are over-exposed to porn, they no longer feel the same stimulation they once did. Endless and spontaneous images of lust from sadism, masochism, sexual humiliation, slavery, spanking, lesbianism, submission, bondage and various BDSM continuously flash into their minds weakening thier desires for sex.

At first, most men who suffer from the uncontrollable thoughts enjoy these fantasies, but they don’t know that an imbalance of dopamine-serotonin to GABA ratio has altered their minds in an unfavorable manner, triggering the addiction mechanism that is initiated in the Ventral Tegmental Area of the brain.

Rewarding Traps

Long-term exposure to porn will stimulate the reward-addictive biofeedback loop, thereby affecting other brain regions such as the Nucleus Accumben, Amygdala, and Prefrontal cortex, which causes men to take actions reinforce the addictive behaviors (example: constantly searching for only a certain type of porn). 

Lust Overcomes Willpower

Once addictive behaviors have been established, willpower alone cannot dispel them. Porn addicts can force themselves to take breaks from watching porn, but it’s only a matter of time before they will again return to the same website and same materials.

Compulsive masturbation leads to severe mental exhaustion and depletion of neurotransmitters. The neurotransmitters that are produced are imbalanced and the cognitive ability decreased, which results in poor grades in school or job performance.

NeurotranmittersLocationFunctionBeneficial Herbs
DopamineBrain & Peripheral Nervous SystemVery important for body motion and rewarding feedback experiences.Key factor in sex addiction.Lack of dopamine can contribute to mood disorder and Parkinson's diseaseVinpocetine

AcetylcholineThroughout the nervous systemPlays an important role in attention, memory, and sleepPhosphatidylserine

SerotoninPineal gland, Brain stem, Cerebellum, & Spinal cordCrucial for mood, sleep, and appetite.Low levels of serotonin linked to suicide.Sacha Inchi

NorepinephrineCentral & Peripheral Nervous SystemRegulates blood pressure, heartbeat, moods, and sexual arousal.Rehmannia
Green Tea

GlutamateBrain & Spinal CordImportant for learning and memorySmall dose can activate high alertness.Phosphatidylserine

EndorphinsBrain, Pituitary gland, & Spinal cordVery powerful pain blocker.Green Tea

GABAHypothalamus, Cerebellum, Spinal Cord, & RetinaMost common inhibitory neurotransmitters.Plays a critical role in performance anxiety associated erectile dysfunction.Sacha Inchi

How Natural Healing Can Help You

To break away from porn addiction, replenish your mind with critical brain nutrients and neural growth factors found in an herbal blend that consists of Gastrodia, Cyperus, Salvia Root, Phellodendron Amurense, Panax Ginseng, Poria Cocos, White Peony, Vinpocetine, Phosphatidylserine, and Astragalus. These herbs benefit different regions of the brain and breakdown the chain-reaction in the addictive feedback loops.

Gradual Improvement Will Occur

The recovery process is gradual. This herbal blend will modulate endorphin secretion associated with addiction and pleasure fixtures. Higher inhibitory neurotransmitters will be produced to counter balance the excitatory responses.

Vinpocetine, Phosphatidylserine, Panax Ginseng, and Salvia Root will increase cerebrum circulation and help you focus better and move your attention away from lustful and sinful imagery.

Besides taking this remedy, you can try meditation, deep-breathing exercises, or Harmonic Qi Gong to slow your thoughts and calm your mind if you have performance anxiety problems.

[More Details +]

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Blog ID: 61803

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