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His girlfriend is tired of excessive precum leaking on her hands

A 21 year-old man is experiencing seminal leakage as a result of weak erections during sexual activity.

Case #: 45096


I'm a healthy strong 21 years old college student. I usually masturbate about 4 times a week as a way to relieve my stressful life. I have a very embarrassing problem on hand. Whenever my girlfriend masturbates me, I get a hard-on for a while, and then I would lose the erection as I move around to be comfy. After little while, I will start to ooze clear semen when she uses her hand on me and complains that the precum gets all over her hand.


You are experiencing leakage of semen as a result of your weak erections. Looks like your girlfriend still want to be sexually intimate with you, but get really turned off by your sticky precum while trying to get you hard. It’s not comfortable scenario for both of you and sexual frustration can accumulated waiting for explosion.

Foreplay requires a powerful testosterone burst that burns continuously to charge the parasympathetic erection circuit. Men who experience weak erections often tighten their pelvic muscles in order to keep their erection alive. This puts added stress on the prostate gland and trains the pelvic muscles to contract, mimicking a state of orgasm that will open the ejaculation valve prematurely, allowing semen to leak.

Common Causes of a Leaky & Weak Penis?

There are many causes for short or weak erections that lead to seminal leaking and premature ejaculations, including psychological problems, over-masturbation or ejaculation, drug or alcohol use, cigarettes, arteriosclerosis, a history of sexually transmitted disease, high blood pressure, and hormonal imbalances such as low levels of thyroid hormone. It is very critical to take action to get yourself recovered before it gets worse

It’s possible that you have exhausted your prostate, endocrine system and weakened your parasympathetic nerves through excessive masturbation for years. It is very common that once your testosterone reserve depleted resulted of excessive masturbation, your penis will become limp and precum will leak out. If left untreated, eventually you will start experiencing premature ejaculation.

A firm erection is absolutely necessary when it comes to fighting seminal leakage and premature ejaculation. By improving the quality of a man’s erection, try the powerful remedy such as, Herbal Treatments For Poor Erection & Premature Ejaculation that feed the tissues and nerves with nutrients and hormones, and strengthening the ejaculate valve, a man can overcome seminal leakage and no doubt conquer other sexual problems associated with it.

Once you have started taking the Herbal Treatments For Poor Erection & Premature Ejaculation, you can try the technique of testicular stimulation during intercourse to release the testosterone burst and increase the penile power, and combat seminal leakage and premature ejaculation.

The herbs from Herbal Treatments For Poor Erection & Premature Ejaculation can help you to generating more natural testosterone as fuel for the parasympathetic sexual nerve. If the ejaculation control valve nerve is undercharged, you will feel your prostate become very unconformable and irritated after ejaculating. So it is recommended to keep taking the remedy until you are fully recovered.

It is also important to reduce your masturbation frequency and allow the ejaculation control valve to build strength. It would be wise to stop it for now, just preserve your testosterone for the intercourse with your girlfriend. Don’t disappoint her anymore and avoid a stressful relationship to put down your confidence.

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观看次数: 77


笔记编号: 61649

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