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Infertilidad masculina
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Dolor y lesiones del pene
Bajo deseo sexual
Masturbación excesiva
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A Cocktail of Porn, Marijuana and Masturbation

Here we read about a gentleman who has been smoking marijuana, masturbating too much, and watching porn. He has now become incapable of rising to the occasion with regards to his sex-drive. Let’s see how this can be fixed.

Case #: 740


I recently took a survey that aimed to see the most favored activities by males my age. All of my answers were filled in as “other.” Why? Because smoking weed and masturbation were not listed choices. I love weed, porn and masturbation—in that order. But now I am starting to experience minor impotence problems—not often—but enough to make for a problem. At times, I can enjoy great sex with my girlfriend; other times, I’m SOL’d because of my problem. What’s wrong with me?


Let me begin by saying that although paranoia-inducing flicks such as “Reefer Madness” may have been over the top and not taken seriously, one thing is certain; marijuana use caused damage to your body and its internal organs.

Cutting Through the Smoke

I don’t care how politically correct certain sectors of modern society have tried to make smoking weed seem, the truth is that scientist have concluded through studies and research that not only does marijuana change a person’s brain chemistry, but it also damages one’s nerve pathways resulting in weak erections, and yes even eventual impotence.

Since I’m assuming you are young, this is hardly a time for you to be experiencing problems with your sexual abilities; you should be in your prime years as a wild sex animal. Let’s investigate this further.

Not only can smoking out be causing nervous system issues but every time that you inhale this drug, you cause an elevation of your prostaglandin E-2 levels. Over time, this build-up of prostaglandin E-2 can cause it to inflame your body and start to constrict your blood vessels. The more your veins become constricted, the less blood they are able to transport to your penis when you want to get an erection. If that wasn’t enough, your over masturbation and porn habit has led to sexually exhausting your body, leading to a lowering of its ability to repair and rejuvenate itself. So what can be done about these issues?

A Light Ahead

Ditch the porn and take up another hobby such as working out or running. This can help you to expend some of that sexual energy and get your mind off of masturbation, since your body needs to initiate its healing process. And yes; that also means abstaining from intercourse with your girlfriend. Talk to her about it and tell it’s for the greater good; that you’re taking some time out for yourself in order to begin your recovery process. She’ll be pleased with the eventual results should she stick around. Also, it would be wise to stop smoking marijuana. As mentioned, it can lead to long-term problems, such as complete impotence, harmful shifts in your brain chemistry, and a lack of focus and clarity.

There are marijuana cleansing properties contained in specialized natural herbal remedies. (TRY: Marijuana Detoxification Remedy) They can help to greatly reduce your prostaglandin E-2 levels back to normal, as well as repair and promote healthy liver function. A healthier, newly revived liver can eradicate the build-up of toxins in your body in the form of delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol which is in marijuana. They can also boost your levels of nitric oxide and blood circulation, leading to a return to having fuller erections for longer periods of time. Only takes making that choice and taking a natural path back to that sexual beast you once were.

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Blog ID: 61192

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