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Penis Parties…From Pleasure to Pain

Here we find a case study involving a young gentleman who has been so caught-up in his self-love sessions that he has slipped into the realm of self-abuse. Are you or someone you know going through this?

Case #: 961


I am a 17 year old male, and started masturbating at 11 years old. I would masturbate twice a day, and a few years ago, I started to feel a pain in my erection, and then pain never went away even after the erection is gone. Recently, I felt some pain in my left testicle, and at the lower back. Ejaculation also occurs much faster than last time, and erections are no as hard. Please help me make the condition batter.


First of all, don’t spaz out; over masturbation is quite a common occurrence during our younger years. As we begin to figure ourselves out we are also trying to figure out our bodies, including Mr. Happy down there. Adolescence is a time during which “What the heck is doing down there?” quickly turns into “Well, well…he’s the main guest for my little self-love parties...”

Drunken with Pleasure

As you began to experiment with your friend down there you tried different things out such as what hand movements worked for you, whether you required pornography or not, what color of blow-up dolly you preferred, and the like. And man, doesn’t your teacher, Miss So-and-so, look super-hot in her tight blouse (I never thought anything like that…no…). By I digress…

During these early years, younger peoples’ brains are still developing and the neurological make-up that determine our desires, inhibitions (and lack thereof), and other fundamental primal urges, as well as more refined traits, are being formulated.

Unfortunately, this also is a time when your mind is more vulnerable to strong suggestions and addictive (no pun intended) behaving such as over masturbation. When partying with naughty Mr. Happy becomes more than just an occasional occurrence and starts to become week-long exhausting blow-outs, you can slip over into obsessive behavior without even realizing it. This can result in excessive prostaglandin E-2 production which inflames your body and causes body pains, especially in your joints, pelvis, testicles, prostate, and penis. It can sometimes even affect your kidneys, which is not good at all.

Since the soothing chemicals prostaglandin E-1 and E-3 have been exhausted through your excessive masturbation, and your testicular function has been stymied so much that it can’t produce enough testosterone, DHEA, and DHT, your body continues to burn out of control. So how can you get back to fun parties without the pain?

There’s a Party Over Here…!

Look down and tell Mr. Happy that he has recently been seen drunk and disorderly at your parties, even grabbing a few women’s behinds. Since he is your main guest, you’ll be immediately shutting down the parties for a while, meaning no masturbation until he gets his act together.

Sending him to a detox program in a sunny resort where only natural botanical supplements are served might be just what the herbal doctor ordered. (SEE: Penile Pain & Nerve Rejuvenation Remedy) These powerful mixtures can help to restore your prostate sympathetic system as well as your serotonin nervous control center, which have damaged your ejaculatory duct. They can also re-modulate the harmful levels of prostaglandin E-2 in your seminal vesicles and prostrate, further repairing your ability to hold back your semen and urine.

So through this all-natural process you can eventually welcome back Mr. Happy to your get-togethers, which only will occur a few times per week in the future (masturbating 3-4 times maximum) and he will once again be the toast of the party!

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观看次数: 76


笔记编号: 61117

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