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Penile Bodybuilders: Improving the Strength of Your Penis After Extensive Enlargement Exercises

I realized that my penis was losing hardness. But again, I am a diabetic so that may be the problem.

Case #: 503


I have been having sex on a regular basis for the last 30 years. I was very satisfied with my sex life. However, I recently twisted my fully erect penis. After that, I realized that my penis was losing hardness. But again, I am a diabetic so that may be the problem. After 2 years, my erection strength returned. After doing penis enlargement exercises, my troubles began anew.Now getting a hard erection is difficult. I am having sex with a weak penis, and I am taking medicine to help control my blood sugar. What’s wrong with me?


Your Penis isn’t a mini-bodybuilder

We all know that hitting the gym makes you feel better, and that if you want to increase the size of your muscles, lifting weights and other exercises are the way to go. Your penis, unlike the muscles in your arms, react negatively to extensive penile enlargement programs, including penile weight lifting and assorted exercises.

Penile exercises lead to not only inflammation, but also to damaged blood vessels and erectile nerves. In addition, the unnatural curvature of your penis may lead to Peyronie’s Disease, which can make sex difficult or painful.

Diabetes may also be contributing to your erectile dysfunction. Diabetes can cause nerve damage, as well as the narrowing and hardening of blood vessels. The condition too can deplete your body’s natural production of nitric oxide, which is crucial in the molecular signaling mechanisms used in your physiological processes, i.e. getting excited and ready for sex.

How do you get back to fun and full erections?

While it can be disheartening to experience erectile dysfunction, you’re hardly alone. Studies have concluded that 35 to 75 percent of all men with diabetes have experienced E.D. at some time or another.

A proper diet, limiting alcohol and tobacco intake, and engaging in regular exercise (NOT of your penis!), can all help to not only control your diabetes, but also lower your escalated stress levels, which may be contributing to your erectile dysfunction.

Stopping the penile exercises and taking a natural herbal formula can also go a long way to accelerating your healing process, and getting you back on track with regards to your once magical sex life.

For your diabetes, certain botanical supplements will naturally raise your body’s testosterone levels, as well as boost your production of nitric oxide, which both play a huge role in helping men with Type 2 diabetes attain larger and harder erections. Not only that, but they can also help to absorb glucose more efficiently. There is also no drawback to taking these herbs since they are harmless to your body, so what are you waiting for?

[More Details +]

Views: 102


Blog ID: 61082

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