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Agonizing burning and pain after vulvar surgery

She is suffering from post-sex vaginal burning either due to peri-menopause, menopause or vaginal surgery.

Case #: 45078


I have no problem getting orgasm or experiencing any pain during sex. But a day after the intercourse, I have a raw burning HOT sensation in my vaginal opening that lasts for few days. Some occasions, I got tiny amount of blood clots in the discharge.

I am pretty healthy and do not do drugs. But, I had surgery for vulvar vestibulitis and it helped me have sex but not with burning later.I have no problem getting orgasm or experiencing any pain during sex. But a day after the intercourse, I have a raw burning HOT sensation in my vaginal opening that lasts for few days. Some occasions, I got tiny amount of blood clots in the discharge.

I am pretty healthy and do not do drugs. But, I had surgery for vulvar vestibulitis and it helped me have sex but not with burning later.


Many researchers and doctors believed that surgical procedures such as Labiaplasty, Labioplasty, Labiectomy, Vestibulectomy, or Vulvectomy are the causes for localized hormonal disruption along with neuropathy.

Vulvar Pain

Vulvar pain can occur in one place or the entire vulvar area. Pain usually stared during sexual intercourse or hours after the sexual activity. Some women experienced vulvar pain while inserting tampons, sitting to long, bike riding or horseback riding.

Possible causes are inflammatory responses, autoimmune disorder, lupus erythematosus, eczema, bacterial vaginosis, nervous system dysfunction, or injury. [1]

Your surgery for vestibulitis created surgery scar tissues that block the blood circulation responsible for production of the hormones DHEA, testosterone and DHT. This resulted in an insufficient amount of the anti-inflammatory and tissue-healing hormone prostaglandin E1 in the vaginal area.

Without sufficient prostaglandin E1, you're not able to sufficiently protect against intercourse-induced abrasion in your vaginal office and vulva. Thus, you produce excessive amounts of the inflammatory hormone prostaglandin E2 during intercourse, inflaming your vagina afterwards.

If left untreated, neuropathy condition will get worse, including an increased number of nerve endings in the vulvar and vaginal area. Constant burning, stinging, irritation or sharp pain that occurs in the vulva and labia, can quench your sexual desire mentally and associated further displeasure to the sexual intercourse and intimacy.

Herbs from Hormonal Realignment For Vulvar, Clitoral, & Vaginal Pain will boost your androgen hormone level and improve your vulvar, clitoral, and vaginal blood circulation. This formula alleviates abrasion during vaginal intercourse and softens surgery scars. Many natural herbs in this formula will balance your hormones and stimulate more production of vaginal lubrication to reduce the risk of vaginal abrasion.


  1. ^Gerber S, Bongiovanni AM, Ledger WJ, Witkin SS (March 2003). "Interleukin-1beta gene polymorphism in women with vulvar vestibulitis syndrome". Eur. J. Obstet. Gynecol. Reprod. Biol. 107 (1): 74–7.
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Blog ID: 60997

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