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Sleep disruption caused by persistent erection and smoking pot

He is suffering from Persistent Genital Arousal Syndrome as a result of over-masturbation.

Case #: 45102


My big problem is that I can't stop masturbating? I want to but I can't. I get hard all the time and have to constantly masturbate to relieve my urge. I am the same addiction with marijuana too. I want to quit both of them. I had tried to go to church to seek help, but got little bit humiliated. I think I have a very weak mind. I can’t sleep well and depend on sleeping pills now. My health is going down the drain.


Your addiction to masturbation may be psychologically based, or it may be physiologically enforced. Smoking pot and frequent masturbation can induce Persistent Genital Arousal Syndrome (PGAS) for some men. It’s vicious repeated cycle, which can force you into endless masturbation, eventually all severe symptoms of sexual exhaustion will appeared.

Persistent Genital Arousal Syndrome (PGAS) is a spontaneous and persistent genital arousal, with or without orgasm or genital engorgement, unrelated to any feelings of sexual desire. It is not related to nymphomania or satyriasis. Physical arousal caused by this syndrome can be very intense and persist for extended periods, days or weeks at a time. Orgasm can sometimes provide temporary relief, but within hours the symptoms return. The symptoms can be debilitating, preventing concentration on mundane tasks. Some situations, such as riding in an automobile or train, vibrations from mobile phones, and even going to the toilet can aggravate the syndrome unbearably.

The symptoms of Persistent Genital Arousal Syndrome include inflammation of the penis, urethra, prostate and bladder as well as pains in the pelvic area, prostate, bladder, urethra, penis, testicles, joints, and stomach. Other symptoms include headaches, dizziness, vertigo, frequent urination urgency, semen & precum leakage, spontaneous orgasms, fatigue, exhaustion, and other body pains and cramps.

PGAS can arise from a cyst, fibroid, tumor or cancer outgrowth or any inflammation in the prostate, penis, seminal vesicles, and urethra. In addition, an excess of prostaglandin E2 can directly stimulate these areas, leading to sexual arousal. And when your pituitary gland fails to release sufficient prolactin, you have no way of suppressing sexual arousal and orgasm urgency.

So why does this happen? One reason is excessive masturbation, which appears to be the case with you. You need both oxytocin and prolactin in your bloodstream to feel sexually being satisfied at the end of sex, but masturbation won't induce much oxytocin release. However, masturbation can produce a lot of prostaglandin E2 in your penis, urethra, and prostate, triggering your adrenal medulla and hypothalamus to release excess epinephrine into your bloodstream, resulting in persistent genital arousal after masturbating.

Synergetic blend of herbs in Hormonal Realignment formula can help your endocrine system to regulate your androgen hormones to an optimal level in suppressing prostaglandin E2 production and promotes prostaglandin E1 and nitric oxide release.

Herbs from this formula can balance your hormonal production and to cut down your inflammatory hormone prostaglandin E2 production. Recovery process is gradual, so be patient and seek support from other women with the same problem at our forum.

Try to change your diet and consume less dairy products. Many dairy producers are using analog prostaglandin E2 to induce cows into heat in order to produce milk.

Consuming non-organic dairy products leads to an intake in residual prostaglandin E2 analog, which can cause PGAS. Try to eat more organic vegetable and meat. Avoid eating meat containing pink slime, often found in fast-food burgers. Recovery process is gradual, so be patient and seek support from our forum.

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观看次数: 98


笔记编号: 60375

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