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Investigation of a 25-Year Old Turkish Man Suffering from a Combination of Bladder Spasm, Weak Urination, Numbness of Pelvic Area, and Inconsistent Scrotum Cramps

A 25 year-old man suffers from erectile dysfunction and genital pain. His physicians have diagnosed him with prostatitis but have been unable to heal his problem after three years. His condition may be rooted in over-ejaculation.

Case #: 29541


I am 25 years old now. I went on holiday to Turkey, few years ago with good healthy condition. I had a lot of alcohol drink and had lots fun during the trip. But when I returned back home I began to notice something not right and eventually these discomforts developed slowly into many symptoms that I have right now. These symptoms include softy erection, low level of desire for sex, painful orgasm with very weak pumping action, slight pain when I do get an erection. The pain is between my scrotum and anus, at lower back region, and also around all of my pelvic muscles too. The erection is not firm and hard as before. Sometimes my penis felt cold and numb. My weak bladder bother terribly, I get bladder spasm, incomplete empty and weak urine flow. I can’t sit too long. I visited 3 specialists and urologists. They all diagnose prostatitis. They cannot find any bacteria. After taking antibiotics for month after month, I didn’t feel better. Sadly, they told me that there is nothing more they can do for me. Now looking back I remember that just prior to my holiday trip, I was working out intensely, especially concentrating on squats to strength my legs. I was not injured physically.


Based on what you have described, your physicians have lumped all your symptoms into prostatitis. However, your problem may very well be caused by over-ejaculation or excessive masturbation that resulted in inflamed or exhausted prostate and many symptoms you are experiencing. Because you're much younger than the typical candidate for erectile dysfunction and prostate inflammation, your condition is known as Prostatitis caused by Over Masturbation.

The nerves of your prostate and urethra have been abraded by frequent and excessive ejaculation. Excessive ejaculation forces your body to overproduce the neurochemicals dopamine, acetylcholine and serotonin, and a hormone called prostaglandin E-1. As a result, your brain function becomes too sympathetic, or stuck in a fight-or-flight mode, and the parasympathetic nervous functions become too weak to restore energy into organs and to produce sufficient healing power.

In addition, long period of abuse and exhaustion resulting deficiency of prostaglandin E-1 in your pelvic muscles and joints causes body pains and cramps, particularly in the lower back, tailbone, groins and perineum. Your immunity becomes very weak and your pain spreads to your neck and shoulders. You'll likely find it difficult to concentrate or focus your mind, similar to the symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). You feel exhaustion, stress, anxiety, impatience, and emotional instability, and may frequently experience fuzzy vision (eye-floaters).

Conventional doctors struggle to diagnose your problem as stemming from over-ejaculation because the damage cannot be detected by high-tech medical instruments. Yet your brain and nervous functions won’t recover by themselves. Try the natural solution, Deep Chronic Prostate Exhaustion Recovery, that can refresh your local blood circulation for your prostate and reduce inflammation responses. Potent herbs can recharge your neurochemicals and hormones, thus increasing prostaglandin E-1 production in your body. Eventually your body will be fully recovered and realign back to normal.

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观看次数: 91


笔记编号: 60298

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