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Experimented With Vibrator Too Early - No Men Can't Satisfy Me Now

I was very experimental in my younger years, having used vibration devices since I was about 14 and I can't get orgasm after trying different men.

Case #: 646


I am 30 years old, have had multiple sex partners in my short life but have never had an orgasm. I am tired of faking them and don’t understand why I can’t have one. I was very experimental in my younger years, having used vibration devices since I was about 14, and can have multiple orgasms all day during masturbation. But I want to experiment with intercourse and have one then as well. Oral sex is now boring. I’m ready, and have been, to find out what a real orgasm during intercourse is all about.


A lot of females start experimenting with masturbation at an early age. This is perfectly normal and allows a young woman to explore her body as well as release sexual energy. But masturbation is not without side effects; in rare cases it can become an addiction, especially if a person engages more than two or three times a week.

It can also deter from fully enjoying the pleasures of intercourse. Masturbation is usually a quick and sure-fire way to orgasm without the mental or emotional complexities involved with sex. In other words, masturbation is easy, sex is not necessarily so.

What a Vibrator Does

A vibrator is designed to provide direct stimulation to the clitoris. The clit is comprised of 8,000 nerve endings that reach about 15,000 nerves throughout the pelvic region. This organ is therefore one of the most sensitive of both the male and female bodies. Needless to say, an orgasm is an intensely pleasurable sensation that stretches from head to toe. It also releases endorphins, feel-good hormones that promote a state of peace and relaxation.

While many women can be stimulated with fingers or a partner’s tongue, a vibrator is advantageous because it doesn’t tire. It applies repeated pressure to the clit at rapid speeds to ensure a woman reaches orgasm. For this reason it is the preferred sex toy among many females, but its use can come with a price.

Negative Effects of Vibrator Use

The stimulation provided by a vibrator is much different than that from human touch. Because of your long-term use of a sex toy, it will be difficult for you to derive pleasure from intercourse without first evaluating your needs. Intercourse focuses on penetration of the vagina, which does not induce most women to orgasm.

Instead, females typically need clitoral stimulation. The most basic requirement in reaching climax during intercourse is to know what brings you pleasure. Because you masturbate, you should know your body pretty well.

Your second step is to convey to your partner what you need. You’ve mentioned that oral sex is boring, which probably stems from the intense sensations provided by a vibrator. It is thus time to put away the sex toys and stop masturbating, at least for a little while.

Repeated use of a vibrator can desensitize the nerve endings in your clitoris and make climax that much harder to reach. The condition in which you cannot climax at all is known as orgasm dysfunction, whereby feelings of pleasure ensue during stimulation but don’t bring you to that ultimate sense of relief.

The Right State of Mind

Fortunately, nerve desensitization is temporary. As you’re contemplating your sexual needs, discussing them with your partner and taking a much-needed respite from masturbation, remember that your state of mind is as important to orgasm as the right stimulation. You should engage in sex to connect with your partner and mutually enjoy each other. Don’t feel pressure to orgasm – it will likely take some time and practice before intercourse brings you the ultimate feeling of bliss.

You should also take an herbal remedy to improve clitoris sensitivity. This really is the key to feeling pleasure in the bedroom, especially because once your partner brings you to orgasm, you’ll want sex more and more.

An all-natural formula with such ingredients as Evening Primrose Oil, Dong Quai and Pumpkin Seed can relax your muscles and repair damaged nerve endings on your clitoris [SEE: Natural Renewal Remedy for Vaginal & Clitoral Desensitization]. Following these suggestions will help you find sexual gratification in no time.

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观看次数: 110


笔记编号: 60098

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